A Portrait of Two Worlds
The eternal conflict between man, and his artificial world and nature, and its almost independent spirit, in a colourful and sensory journey where both worlds from an initial contrast, they enter into a symbiosis when one of the two crosses its own demarcation line.
Samuel Tobi AdebiyiDirector
Samuel Tobi AdebiyiWriter
Giuseppe MerlettiComposer
Project Title (Original Language):Ritratto di Due Mondi
Project Type:Experimental, Short, Student, Other
Runtime:3 minutes 24 seconds
Completion Date:February 28, 2022
Production Budget:60 EUR
Country of Origin:Italy
Country of Filming:Italy
Shooting Format:Digital
Aspect Ratio:2:1
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:Yes - Poliarte - Academy of Fine Arts of Ancona (Italy)
Samuel Tobi Adebiyi is a Filmmaker, Video Editor and Visual Artist. He was born in Ancona (Italy) in 1998. Since he was a kid, he loved making drawings on every surface, including stones, but growing up he felt the urge to speak through his creativity by means of other artistic forms. While attending Art School he became fascinated in Audio-Video and Cinema starting to explore both narrative and experimental Cinema. This research continued for long when he attended the Academy of Fine Arts and Design of Ancona, Poliarte.
At first, he assisted as a producer assistant for some short films produced by the same Academy, afterwards he collabed as a Backstage Videographer and Photographer and as a Microphonist/ Sound Guy.
He graduated in 2020 and continues to explore and work as a Filmmaker and Visual Artist.
Samuel Tobi Adebiyi è un Filmmaker, Montatore Video e Artista Visivo. Nato ad Ancona (Italia) nel 1998. Fin da bambino amava realizzare disegni su ogni superficie, pietre comprese, ma crescendo ha sentito il bisogno di parlare attraverso la sua creatività attraverso altre forme artistiche. Mentre frequentava il Liceo Artistico si è appassionato al mondo dell'audiovisivo e del Cinema iniziando ad esplorare sia il Cinema narrativo e quello sperimentale. Questa ricerca è proseguita quando ha frequentato l'Accademia di Belle Arti e Design di Ancona, Poliarte.
In un primo momento, ha collaborato come assistente alla produzione per alcuni cortometraggi prodotti dalla stessa Academy, successivamente ha collaborato come Videomaker, Fotografo Backstage e Microfonista.
Laureato nel 2020 continua ad esplorare e lavorare come Filmmaker e Artista Visivo.
Ritratto di Due Mondi è stato realizzato come progetto di Tesi di fine anno per l'accademia Poliarte. Ispirato dall'acclamata trilogia Qatsi di Godffrey Reggio, in origine volevo creare un documentario sperimentale sul rapporto tra Uomo e Natura, da questa idea iniziale si è poi sviluppata in un cortometraggio sperimentale con un uso di molteplici stili, fra cui quello della Video-Arte.
A Portrait of Two Worlds was created as an end-of-year Thesis project for the Poliarte Academy. Inspired by the critically acclaimed Qatsi trilogy by Godffrey Reggio, originally I wanted to create an Experimental Documentary on the relationship between Man and Nature, from this initial idea, it developed as an experimental short film with the use of multiple styles, including that of Video-Art.