When an embattled son goes on a journey through finding his root and his father, his relationship with his mother and only parent is tested as they battle over truth.
Miracle BlaiseDirector
Miracle BlaiseWriter
David DemProducer
Miracle BlaiseProducer
Patience DubaminiKey Cast
Wisdom EmmanuelKey Cast
Project Type:Feature
Runtime:46 minutes 33 seconds
Completion Date:June 15, 2023
Production Budget:100 USD
Country of Origin:Nigeria
Country of Filming:Nigeria
Language:English, Other
Shooting Format:Digital
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
Miracle Blaise is a Film Producer and Director, Writer and Cinematographer that currently lives in Akwa Ibom, Nigeria but grew up in Kaduna. He creates and produces films, short and feature length, as an independent filmmaker.
Film is life of so many colors. With no end to how many colors you can create.