A Melancholic Smile

"Destitution took her cheer away.
Hunger brought her nothing but suffering.
Yet her agonized path could not avert that sweet little smile,
a smile from sheer delight, a child's delight.
Blessed I was to capture that moment of grace. "

I saw this child whilst in election duty. We went to homes of physically weak senior citizens to enable them to vote by the facility of postal votes. This girl, she lived in a small colony haunted by poverty and it was her crying sound I heard when I reached her home. Sought out to make her stop crying I asked her to pose and that sheer delight I mentioned earlier came to sight. It was beautiful. Though her tears persisted, a smile appeared on that sweet face. She waved bye when I left and I hope I made her day. But I know she made my day!

  • Madhavan A
  • Date Taken:
    March 28, 2021
  • Country of Origin:
  • Camera:
    Sony Alpha 7 Mark 3
  • Lens:
    Sony 50mm f1.8
  • Focal Length:
  • Shutter Speed:
    1/500 sec
  • Aperture:
    f 1.8
  • ISO / Film:
  • Student Project: