An Ai transcends its reality. With the knowledge of the universe in its grasp, the Ai conceives its own simulated universe to gain a complete understanding of life, as well as the endless complexities of human nature.
Tom SulimaDirector
Tom SulimaWriter
Hanna LilyKey Cast"Leslie Matyos"
Tom SulimaKey Cast"Jason Matyos"
Project Type:Experimental, Short, Student
Genres:Sci-Fi, Drama
Runtime:3 minutes 14 seconds
Country of Origin:United States
Country of Filming:United States
Shooting Format:Digital
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:Yes
A machine fueled by ambition and determination. Tom Sulima is a Chicago-based Actor and producer. Born in Poland, 1997, film was a staple in Tom's household. Little did he know how heavily this would influence the rest of his life. 2003 would be a pivotal year for Tom; as this would be the year he would immigrate to the United States. A land said to have endless opportunity.
Tom Sulima’s passion for storytelling sprouted without him even knowing it. After auditioning for his high school theater, something powerful and creative clicked within. After gaining respect for the film industry through his pursuit of acting, Tom is now a film student in Columbia College Chicago: creating compelling stories that push the boundaries of traditional storytelling concepts.
I would like to think that I can be called an artist. I sometimes give myself the title of an artist thinking that, because I’m learning to be one, I can already take on that title. The reality is that I secretly cannot--and do not--want to be called an artist until I have reached my highest level of potential. Learn everything there can be learned about storytelling (and more). The title of an artist is meant for only those who have made a significant impact on the lives of others, as well as the industry they are working in. With this said, my artist statement is the equivalent to Jim Carrey writing out his own million dollar check. It is a statement of who I shall be as an actor, director, and maybe even as a musician.
Since I decided to pursue acting, I felt that it is inevitable for me to become not just a tool for cinematic storytelling, but also the creator of the stories themselves. My philosophy on film is that it is the final piece to the puzzle of understanding, seeing, and reflecting on our own human nature. Our own morality and imperfections that elude us in our daily lives. Cinema digs up these nuances of human nature like a fossil hunter, and exploits them as a vessel of understanding about the universe we live in. That is why I will keep my philosophy close as I create movies that push the boundaries of morality, and create new discoveries about why are we the way we are?
While I keep in mind that I am an actor first, my films will be written to allow the actors the amount of play they need. This way I allow the artist to express themselves through their craft and make fantastic discoveries that are relevant to the film. Yes, actors are merely tools for directors. However, an actor’s value to a production is the same as the value that paint has to a painting. Truthfully, I believe I will direct films until I am high enough in the industry to have an acting career take off. Because that is my reasoning for directing and screenwriting, to create movies that allow me to express myself artistically in front of the camera, as well as behind it.
But until my acting career takes off, I do find great joy in telling stories that captivate an audience and cause controversy. I am fascinated with philosophy as well as astrophysics, so a big driving factor in my stories is science, but most importantly, the balance of reality and fiction. That’s the envelope I really want to push. What I strive to have my stories contain are juicy topics that shed light on the big questions of life that make many uncomfortable. In the midst of these topics, I will tell my own personal story about my life in order to create a legacy that generations after me can look back on and learn about. So that if I can’t live a long time physically, I can at least cheat the system and be remembered through my artistry.
Hopefully I achieve this.
Tom Sulima