Adam Dates Women
Feel the awkwardness with Adam Dates Women an original comedy series documenting one hapless man's quest for love (or at least a hook-up). Adam explores the New York dating scene through a series of awkward encounters, pining after a new woman in each episode.
Amy Iturres-AlomiaDirectorVIVOS, The Confession Stand, Couples Therapy
Adam BerleyWriter
Amy Iturres-AlomiaProducerVIVOS, The Confession Stand, Couples Therapy
Adam BerleyProducer
Adam BerleyKey Cast
Amy BerrymanKey Cast
Marcos BoldriniKey Cast
Carlos BuitragoKey Cast
Ryan DuffyKey Cast
Krishna GraceKey Cast
Manini GuptaKey Cast
Tessa HarnetiauxKey CastGirls Guide to Depravity
Julia KonradKey Cast
Daniel LucioKey Cast
Matt McGladeKey Cast
Emily McVickerKey Cast
Kevin MurphyKey Cast
Craig NewmanKey Cast
Amanda RileyKey Cast
Elizabeth Ann SouthKey Cast
Paula RossmanKey Cast
Abbe TanenbaumKey Cast
Azumi TsutsuiKey Cast
John WentworthKey Cast
Project Type:Web / New Media
Runtime:6 minutes 33 seconds
Completion Date:April 16, 2016
Production Budget:35,000 USD
Country of Origin:United States
Country of Filming:United States
Shooting Format:Cannon HD
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
Amy Iturres-Alomia works in New York City and abroad as a Director, Assistant Director, Casting Director and Producer. She is constantly developing new techniques to innovate aesthetic and performance styles as well as collaborating on multiple levels with a wide spectrum of talented individuals. Amy is also the Founder/CEO of The Confession Stand, an educational non for profit that seeks to join Film and the Arts with Mental Health Therapy.
Adam Dates Women is a comedic experiment that mischievously plays with gender roles in the mating habits of 21st century New York City. We wanted to exaggerate the double standards between the sexes through awkwardness so that we may realize how to have better relationships.