A Campus Story
Takyi Frimpong is an amateur deejay starting his freshman year at Garvey College, a Pan Africana Institution in rural Pennsylvania. Takyi’s anti-social behavior and wearing headphones causes major faux pas for him, including a slip and fall in the cafeteria. Retreating to his dorm for the night, Takyi finds his roommate, Bobi Henderson and his friend Moe Moe Scott, smoking weed and cooking oreos. The boys agree to clean at Takyi's insistence, only to get the munchies and leave for the freshman cookout. When Takyi follows them there, he and the boys meet roommates, Saige de Leon and Devyn Lucas, who agree the cookout is boring because of DJ Hitz, a Garvey alum and veteran deejay who plays nothing but old school music. When Moe Moe retaliates with GO-GO music on his speaker, a dance battle ensues, leading students to rep their hometowns and request their own music. That night, Takyi sneaks flyers into the dorms of his deejay moniker “MYSTERdeejaY” (pronounced MISTER DEEJAY).
At the Seafood Boil, Takyi trespasses on the Greek plots, and is caught by Beta Fraternity member Bruce and his line brothers. Bobi manages to save Takyi, who retreats back in his room to work his turntables. Bobi realizes that Takyi is “MYSTERdeejaY” and believes in his roommate’s talent if he really works at it. Knowing he needs it, Takyi reluctantly accepts Bobi’s promotional help.
The Dean’s grandson, Cassius “Cash” Carter is a contender for Class President with the support of Saige and Devyn’s third roommate Mani Brooks, who is also his girlfriend. Takyi and Bobi inadvertently turn their hallway out into a party while Takyi deejays from their room. When they lose their building’s visitation because of it, Bobi suggests that Takyi auditions for the Freshmen Talent Show so that everyone can see him. At the auditions, SGA President Drue Duvont worries that Takyi’s deejaying doesn’t count as a “talent”, but Professor Joe and Dean Carter disagree. Takyi is allowed to perform, only to discover that he was set up for a battle against DJ Hitz. Takyi wins the crowd over with new school songs that students familiarize with their hometowns: Philly, DMV, Delaware, New York, etc.
Takyi receives all the love and recognition from the campus, including the Greeks, who agree to collaborate with Takyi during the semester. While everyone is registering for fall classes, Bobi is in jeopardy of leaving Garvey unless he pays $2000. That night, the boys sneak into Saige, Devyn and Mani’s room to play UNO and Bobi shares his special punch he made. When they wander outside bored and drunk, Takyi starts a tunnel party to attract any student passing by. The party turns into a twerking competition that goes viral on social media. Mama Willie penalizes the class for embarrassing Ol’ Garvey and threatens to suspend those responsible if it happens again. Flyers begin circulating about an after party with Takyi’s moniker. The party’s contact belongs to Cash, who hires Takyi to be his personal promoter once he’s sworn into class office. Takyi immediately agrees to the deal against Bobi’s advice, feeling that Cash is not good hearted. After winning the election unopposed, Cash hosts a secret party in an abandoned residence building on campus, which is ultimately raided by Public Safety Officers. Takyi is blamed for the party because he was listed as the host on the flyer. Dean Carter concludes Takyi coerced Cash to hire him as his promoter. Takyi denies all claims and his turntables are confiscated until further notice.
Mani discovers that Cash entertains other girls and angrily confesses to writing Cash’s election speech (which he rips in half at the debates) and creating the his victory party flyers. She shows Takyi the text flyers, realizing that neither her or Cash used his signature flyer, proving Cash planned the party without Takyi’s knowing. Cash calls his bluff, knowing he won’t get into any trouble. Takyi reminds Cash that his President’s position is at stake, and insists Cash to pay Takyi what he’s owed. On the final day of Transition Week, Bobi is found by Mister Pete, who informs returns his keys and reveals that his balance was paid in full.
Mama Willie closes transition week with The Timeless '25 Planting Ceremony. Takyi returns Bobi's lanyard and the two reconcile. Each lanyard holds seed packets that are watered and planted. The ceremony marks the real start to their journey at Ol’ Garvey.
Tametra ThomasWriterSee What Had Happened Was...
Project Type:Screenplay
Genres:Musical, Comedy, Drama
Number of Pages:90
Country of Origin:United States
First-time Screenwriter:No
Student Project:No