ACME Comedy Theatre was founded in 1989 as a place for comedians to perform and be discovered. Since then, ACME has helped launch the career of hundreds of comedy writers, directors, producers, and actors.
Today, ACME continues to be a place for comedy performers and writers to be discovered. These days though, new talent is more often discovered through online videos, so ACME developed a new screening series. The screening series is dedicated to bringing the upcoming stars of comedy video to the big screen via ACME Comedy’s own film festival.
In the Summer of 2017 we will be screening films in June, July, August
We are excited to bring a whole new class of comedic talent to the ACME Comedy Theater.
Rules & Terms
1. Film Entries must be received by May 1st, 2017
2. Entry forms, payment, and video must be submitted together, either online at FilmFreeway or by mail.
3. Films must be submitted to the proper length category and with the proper fee to be considered for the festival. Fees paid to an inappropriate category will not be returned.
4. All entries must be in English, subtitled, or dubbed into English.
6. All films selected for screening at the festival grant ACME Comedy the right to use stills and excerpts of up to two minutes for promotional purposes.
7. ACME Comedy is not responsible for any lost, stolen or damaged entries, including corrupted files.
8. Exceptions to the festival regulations must be authorized by the Festival Director.
9. Multiple entries are permissible, but each entry must be accompanied by a separate Entry and fee.
10. Submissions must be made digitally. No DVDs or Blu Rays.
11. All fees are nonrefundable.
12. We reserve the right to refuse to consider any submission.
13. Film entries may be screened more than once at the festival or at any festival event.
I/We wish to have our film/animation/TV pilot/documentary/web series/music video/ entry(ies) hereby known as “ENTRY” included in the ACME Comedy Film Nights program hereby known as “ACME”. If more than one (1) party signs this agreement as submitter, then reference to “I”, “me”, “my” throughout this agreement shall apply to each party; jointly and separately.
I hereby grant ACME, its festival director Joshua Paget and sponsors the right to show for promotional purposes on television, on the ACME website,twitter, and FaceBook page, on sponsors websites, print and digital promotional material, press releases, etc., any media including the ENTRY and/or stills submitted by me with this application. No more than two minutes or up to the length of the trailer submitted by the filmmakers may be used. I understand that no materials included with this application will be returned.
I grant ACME, and its sponsors the full and free right and permission to use my ENTRY for broadcast, duplication, and advertising in association with ACME, for the purpose of viewing on television, in theatres, on the internet, on the ACME website, on sponsors’ websites, podcasting and/or for archival purposes and for any other valid, lawful purpose in any and all media now known or hereafter developed or devised, worldwide and in perpetuity. I waive any right to inspect or approve the finished videotape, sound track, photograph, advertising copy, audio piece or printed matter that may be used or to the eventual use that it may be applied.
I hereby release, discharge and agree to hold harmless ACME, its officers, agencies employees and sponsors, from and against any liability as a result of any use, distortion, blurring or alteration that may occur or be introduced in any use or broadcast of the material.
I waive any and all rights to compensation for any broadcast, duplication, and advertising of any ENTRY presented at the festival. All ownership of all ENTRY remains with the personnel who contributed to the ENTRY. I own all material submitted with application and that will be viewed at ACME. I understand that ACME, its producers and sponsors are relying on this release and accordingly, I hereby irrevocably waive any and all rights to seek or obtain any injunction or other equitable relief against ACME, its officers, agencies, employees and sponsors.
I warrant that the use of the rights granted here and of any material supplied by me/us will not violate the rights of any third party. I agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless ACME, its officers, agencies, employees and sponsors from any claims by third parties alleging that our content or material infringes on any third party’s rights. This Release and Hold Harmless Agreement shall bind my assigns and any representative.
This contract is the entire agreement between the parties hereto, and replaces and supersedes any prior agreement or understanding, verbal or written, with respect to the subject matter hereof. No amendment, addendum, modification or waiver of this contract or any portion hereof shall be valid unless contained in a writing signed by both parties hereto.
In exchange for release, I receive the opportunity to have my ENTRY shown at ACME and any ACME COMEDY NIGHT events, and accept that there is no promise of additional payment, in any form for likeness, image, biography, recording, equipment, or for any other contribution by us on this production.
I hereby certify that I am over eighteen years of age and competent to contract in my own name. If I am signing on behalf of an organization, I certify that I have authority to do so and that my signature binds the organization and its performers to all elements of this contract.
I have read the foregoing release and authorization and agreement, before affixing my signature below, and warrant that I fully understand the contents thereof.
I am authorized to sign and give consent for everyone (including but not limited to performers, writers, directors, technical crew, distributors) who contributed to all ENTRY(IES) and all materials submitted with this application to the ACME Comedy Film Nights 2017
Save yourself a headache and read these answers to our Frequently Asked Questions:
Save yourself a headache and read these answers to our Frequently Asked Questions:
Q. Do you accept only films complete in 2016/2017?
A. We accept all films regardless of date filmed, completed, distributed, etc. Our mission is to showcase the best, and funniest, short films.
Q. I produced a web series, can I submit more than one episode?
A. Yes! If you produced a web series you can submit more than one episode. Each episode would be considered one short film. Or you could edit episodes together for one longer film.
Q. Can you waive my entry fee? I am a starving filmmaker / comedian and I can’t afford the entry fee.
A. While we are fellow filmmakers/comedians and can completely relate, unfortunately we cannot waive any fees. It’s just not fair to all the other starving filmmakers. We do suggest submitting early to take advantage of the reduced fees.
Q. How will I know if you received my DVD?
A. You will know that we did not receive it because we don't accept DVDs.
Q. Can I submit more than one film?
A. Sure, you can submit a thousand films – as long as they all accompany their own entry form and fee.
Q. Am I eligible if I live outside the U.S.?
A. Absolutely! Submit it online using FilmFreeway.com
Q. Can I submit a rough cut?
A. No, whatever version you submit will be the version we screen.
Q. Can I submit my film if I am under 18?
A. You can, if you have a parent or guardian submit it for you.
Q. Will the DVDs be returned?
A. Nope. We will throw them away before we even leave the post office.
Q. Can I enter if my film has screened at other festivals or on the Internet?
A. Yes.
Q. My film was made a while ago, can I still submit it?
A. Yes. We have no time limit on when it was made. As long as it is still funny.
Q. I just missed your deadline – am I screwed?
A. Email us. If we still have enough time to fairly review your project, then we may waive the deadline.
Rachanee Lumayno
Joshua Costea
One of our films was selected and screened this year. Though we did not have a possibility to attend, we were extremely pleased with how well this festival was organized. Excellent communication, straight forward, easy to work with, professional. This is festival that I highly recommend. We will definitely send more films in the future.
July 2016