Plastic Ankles (Short Film)
'Plastic Ankles' is the day in the life story of Marlon, an innocent man who is wrongfully found guilty for a crime he did not commit. He faces his introspective battles, unclear memories and imaginary friends who help his grasp his lonely situation.
Project Type:Short, Student
Runtime:7 minutes
Completion Date:December 1, 2016
Production Budget:50 USD
Country of Origin:United States
Country of Filming:United States
Shooting Format:RED
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:Yes
Hollywood Reel Independent Film FestivalLos Angeles
United States
January 18, 2017
Best Student Film -
Audience AwardsUSA
United States
Official Selection Narrative Category
Tiffany Kim Hoa Stevens (TKHS) is a director in who training grew up in Hong Kong, Aix-En-Provence and San Francisco. She studied film and theatre at USC in Los Angeles. She believes that as a filmmaker it is her social and global responsibility and her goal is to enlighten new perspective. It's rare to find a female director in this industry, particularly one who defines themselves as a third culture kid.