Concrete Ghosts
CONCRETE GHOSTS is an exploration of urban spatiality and temporality based on Michel de Certeau’s dialectic between space and place, inside and outside, walking and seeing. The film consists of two series: The first one shot through window panes, invisibly detaching the viewer from the outside and like screens creating a space beyond filled with dreams, memories, fantasies and ghosts. The second one unfolds a dialectic between the city down below, made of thousands of footsteps forever unrecorded and lost in time, and the panoptic vision from above, which only sees an immobile texture laying dead before its singular eye.
Markus MaicherDirector
Project Type:Experimental, Short
Runtime:5 minutes 42 seconds
Completion Date:September 1, 2016
Country of Origin:Austria
Country of Filming:Austria
Shooting Format:16mm
Aspect Ratio:1.37
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:No
Process Experimental Film FestivalRiga
March 24, 2017
Markus Maicher, 1984, is an experimental filmmaker, projectionist at the Austrian Filmmuseum, part of the artist-run film lab filmkoop wien, PhD candidate at the University of Applied Arts and teaches film as artistic research at the TU Vienna. He studied Sociology, Urban Studies, Psychoanalytic Cultural Studies, Film Studies and Experimental Film at the Friedl Kubelka School for Independent Film. His film works engage with the cinematographic dispositiv and the poetry of the physical qualities of film itself. His films have been shown at festivals such as Vienna Shorts Film Festival, International Short Film Festival Oberhausen, Experiments in Cinema, Analogica, Alchemy Film and Moving Image Festival, Fracto, RPM Festival and at the Austrian Filmmuseum, Stadtkino and Metro Kinokulturhaus.
Markus Maicher, 1984, ist Filmemacher, Projektionist im österreichischen Filmmuseum, Teil des artist-run film labs filmkoop wien, PhD Kandidat an der Universität für Angewandte Kunst und unterrichtet Film als Medium künstlerischer Forschung an der TU Wien. Er absolvierte die Schule Friedl Kubelka für unabhängigen Film, davor studierte er Soziologie, Stadtforschung, psychoanalytische Kulturwissenschaften und Film- und Medientheorie. Sein filmisches Schaffen beschäftigt sich mit Fragen des kinematographischen Dispositivs und der Materialität von analogem Film. Seine Filme wurden u.a. auf Festivals wie Vienna Shorts Film Festival, Internationale Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen, Experiments in Cinema, Analogica, Alchemy Film and Moving Image Festival, Fracto, RPM Festival und im Österreichischen Filmmuseum, Stadtkino und Metro Kinokulturhaus gezeigt.