Script Files

You Don ́t Deserve it

The present creative script called “You Don ́t Deserve it” which belongs to the genre of the romantic comedy developing a story that love takes an special meaning to be shown as the most effective medicine to cure diseases, in this case the mental illness of each of the two protagonists.

  • Johanna Mosos
  • Project Type:
  • Number of Pages:
  • Country of Origin:
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  • First-time Screenwriter:
  • Student Project:
Writer Biography - Johanna Mosos

Executive Producer at an post-production lab also an audiovisual and multimedia communicator natural-born leader, innovative thinker and proficient in analytic systems. In the ability to direct, produce and to set to music in a product of radio, TV and movies, also I can Manage, make projects and coordinate post production.

I am a happy girl, adventurous, passionate about life. I love modeling, photography, kickbox and dance. AlI i care about is to be happy, have good times, my family, my pets and learn everything.

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