Private Project

a virtual cultivation

„Not only are the processes that bring things into existence and keep them there aesthetic in nature, but so are the processes that relate things to one another, as well as those that destroy them.“ (Spuybroek, Lars I The Sympathy of Things)

This animation short film addresses the notion of a process-orientated perception of space and possible ways of depicting it. The investigation is based on the scientific nature illustrations by Ernst Haeckel that were published in the famous book „Art forms in nature“, in 1904.

The world we are living in is increasingly becoming more complex. We are gaining access to a steady growing diversity of informations and on the same time experiencing an ubiquitous and ongoing theorization of our everyday life. We are constantly acting in a space that is composed of a multitude of dimension but we are capable of perceiving just a fraction of this coexisting spacial realities by our senses. However, it is an intrinsic desire of humanity not only to be aware of this complexity that is surrounding us but to strive for techniques and methods to illustrate and to depict it. The focus of this animated film is to understand and to image space itself as a product of a multiplicity of virtualities and simultaneous existing events. That means to perceive form and figures as active entities within a vital network that is in a state of constant transformation and change.
Based on the wonderful nature drawings of Ernst Haeckel we are encountering an active Landscape of communication and collaboration between entities. We are exploring a territory that is defined by changefulness and motion rather than by rigidity and static elements. We are starting to perceiving space as a inseparable product of shape and matter.

  • Uwe Brunner
  • Uwe Brunner
  • Uwe Brunner
  • Brother Saturn "Archaic Machines"
    Title: Archaic Machines Author: Brother Saturn Source: License: Royalty Free Music found @
  • Genres:
    Sci Fi
  • Runtime:
    9 minutes 9 seconds
  • Completion Date:
    January 19, 2017
  • Film Color:
    Black & White and Color
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
Director Biography - Uwe Brunner

Personal Data:

Uwe Brunner


Bachelor Degree in Architecture, TU Technical University of Vienna
Academy of Architecture, University of the Arts Amsterdam
Master Degree in Architecture and Arts, Academy of fine Arts Vienna


Form Follows, HDA (House of Architecture) Graz
(IN)Visible Spaces, Academy of fine Arts Vienna
Operations of the Formless, 21er Haus Museum of Contemporary Art Vienna
Soma Architecture - IMMANENT ELASTICITY, MAK Museum of Applied Arts Vienna


Vague Operations (Publication: Kristina Schinegger, Stefan Rutzinger (Hrsg.))

Gezielte Formlosigkeit, Onlinepublikation (

Bedroom Exodus, Toward a Polyphasic City (PLAT Magazine, 4.5 frequency)

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