Down (Don't let the bastards grind you down)
This was an 'all-local' project (Ashland, Oregon, USA), using the talents of Sean Nipper (Director), Mig Windows (co-star & co-writer w/Greg Goebelt), Todd Wilson, Chris Vanderschaaf (editing), Rik Burns, Aleah Zimmer (lead actor), William Hollows, Meghan McNulty and a cast and crew of 21 locals. Thanks to OSF props. All custom made wardrobe by Amy Harper from SOU. Shot at Emigrant Lake, Ashland, Oregon, catching the beauty of the region on a cold February day. Produced by Greg Goebelt. The song is registered with BMI and is now available on iTunes. The band, a solo project by Greg Goebelt features guest stars: Jeff Pevar (guitarist for the stars), Shay Godwin (drummer for Andre Day), Bret Levick (producer) and Brent Daniels (soundscaping). A great first effort and example of teamwork, with more on the way!
Sean Marc NipperDirectorA Life, Adjusted, Commercials, Vice President SOFAM
Greg GoebeltDirectorFirst-time Co-Director
Greg GoebeltWriterFirst-time
Mig WindowsWriter
Greg GoebeltProducerFirst-time
Meghan McNultyProducerFirst-time
Aleah ZimmerKey Cast
Mig WindowsKey Cast
William HollowsKey Cast
Lala PetersonKey Cast
Greg GoebeltKey Cast
GregoryKey Cast
Project Type:Music Video
Genres:Fantasy, viking, alternative rock, indie rock, historical, Music video, College music, film festival award, independent film, short film, LGBTQ
Runtime:4 minutes
Completion Date:September 20, 2016
Production Budget:5,000 USD
Country of Origin:United States
Country of Filming:United States
Shooting Format:Digital, Phantom,
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:No
MEDFF-Winner Best Music Video 2016
December 17, 2016
Best Musc Video-Winter 2016 -
Oregon Independent Film Festival 2017-Winner Best Music Video 2017Portland & Eugene
United States
September 19, 2017
Portland Premier
Best Music Video 2017 -
Klamath Falls Film FestivalKlamath Falls
United States
September 15, 2017 -
LGBTQ Coventry Film FestivalCoventry
United Kingdom
February 17, 2017
Distribution Information
Greg Goebelt-Goebelt Music LLC (Myself-Song reg. w/BMI)Country: United StatesRights: All Rights
Sean Marc Nipper is an up and coming film maker from Ashland Oregon.
Sean Grew up in Ashland and later attended the Academy of Art University in San Francisco.
He moved back to Ashland a couple years ago to pursue his passion of telling visual story telling and film making.
Since then, Sean has created media for corporate advertising and marketing, has worked on the set of numerous independent films, reality TV shows, and recently finished his first feature length Documentary called “Life, Adjusted.”
Co-Director Greg Goebelt explains the backstory to the songwriting, and the personal experience which prompted it, and the story guidelines.
Down © 2016 BMI Greg Goebelt Music LLC
Hi, I'm Greg Goebelt co-director, writer and producer of the music video, "Down."
Down, is very personal song and is the song that started the theme and mood of this EP/LP, “Melancholy Breakdown.” Personally, this song is about betrayal, and a crumbling demise of your constructed paradigm for your life, or any dogma you’ve created to stabilize your world. Its a snapshot of the moment when, “what you thought was your life or your view on how it is structured,” suddenly crashes within a millisecond of understanding its over.
The song captures the downward spiral and eventual breakdown. It pauses during the final moment of emotional defeat, and then charges towards the end like a battle cry, “Don’t let others grind you down.” The message is clear…”others will seal their own fate, so create your new life and pick yourself up! Its through forgiving the sin (metaphorically) of others and of your own mistakes or flaws, and letting them go…or let the pain take you down." Its the cognitive replaying of the damage that has been done…that cause our inner and physical pain, and the only way to be well again is to let go, and forgive. It all comes back to forgiveness. Not to forget, but to forgive.
I know…heavy and deep. But inspiring! Listeners will hear their own story. All this was purposely structured in an alt-rock format for accessibility. I told the story here just to express the process and the story behind the song.
Selected Film Festivals:
MedFF Winner "Best Music Video W 2016."
Coventry LGBTQ Film Festival 2017
Klamath Falls Film Festival 2017
Oregon Independent Film Festival Winner "Best Music Video 2017"
Awaiting news from Dublin FF and London Lift Off Film Festival,
I'm entering 10 more!
* Noteworthy-The soundscaping was created by Brent Daniels who has worked on many films & trailers. Lots of fight scenes, sci-fi like The Matrix 3 and his and is inspired by a Nine-Inch-Nails approach with a mix of his own style. Very talented and love what he did. Check out his IMBD page (link) for more.
*The phrase, "Don't let the bastards grind you down," was found while searching rare phrases & quotes that would give the emotional punch I needed. Known in the more in the UK oddly, the quote is accredited to be on the desk of a WW2 general with the nickname of Vinegar Joe. It was in Latin. It was also used in pop-culture in Margaret Atwood's 1985 book, "The Handmaids Tale," and also currently in HULU's original show of the same name. When writing this song in 2014/2015, I had no idea anyone else would ever use this very rare quote. But I'm happy to see it make its way back into popularity.
I'd love to be a part of your film festival, thank you for your consideration! Best regards,
Greg Goebelt