Script File

Star Clickers

After his beat down by a muppet goes viral, Nick Adessi, younger brother to an uber-celebrity, finds his ticket to big (small) screen success as he organizes an unconventional group of lovable losers working out of a marijuana dispensary into major players in the viral video world. Hollywood doesn’t know what hit it. Or bumped into it. Or brushed its sleeve. Any of those.

  • April Peveteaux
    Gluten Is My Bitch
  • Project Type:
    Television Script
  • Genres:
    Comedy, Rom-Com
  • Number of Pages:
  • Country of Origin:
    United States
  • Language:
  • First-time Screenwriter:
  • Student Project:
  • Page Awards
    October 21, 2010
    Semi-Finalist, Comedy Feature
Writer Biography - April Peveteaux

April Peveteaux passed out from happiness when The New Yorker called her debut book, Gluten Is My Bitch (Abrams, 2013), "highly entertaining." After she woke up, she went on to pen two more hilarious books about digestive disorders, The Gluten-Free Cheat Sheet (Perigee, 2015) and the upcoming Bake Sales Are My Bitch (Rodale, 2017).

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Writer Statement

I began my writing and editing career in New York as a freelance writer for lifestyle and entertainment pubs all over, and as an editor on the award-winning team of Babble. A staff writer position at The Stir followed by an editor gig at means I know every parenting controversy in the world and how to exploit it online. Other ways I entertain myself and others include podcasting (Moms on the Rocks, The Meltdown Moms), tweeting as a 6-year-old (Why Does Our Car Look Taller?) and blogging (Gluten Is My Bitch, DIY,WTF & more). All of this is even more of an accomplishment when you consider the fact that I grew up in Oklahoma, where it is illegal to draw attention to myself. Luckily my stint at the University of Texas in Austin helped me get over any lingering modesty. I'm working my way into TV and web series comedy writing as I type, and can't wait to get that biz going.