Script File

Family of Florida

Redneck-American and Thai-American Iraqi War Vets struggle to run a catch-to-table business while raising a family amid the heat, humidity, and hilarity of the Sunshine State.

  • Project Type:
    Television Script
  • Number of Pages:
  • Country of Origin:
    United States
  • Language:
  • First-time Screenwriter:
  • Student Project:
Writer Biography

Ashley Van D was raised in a trailer in the People's Republic of Austin. That's right, she was raised in a Trailer in Texas. Later she moved to Appalachia and was outcast from DC. She currently lives in Los Angeles like an Uma Thurman character in a Tarantino Film.

Ashley is embarrassed to admit she was born in Florida, where her mother's family goes back 200 years. Her father, Patrick Barmore, is part of the "Florida Folk" movement (God save us!) and his song "I Love Florida" has been suggested by scholars as a replacement for the state song. She is currently seeking a support group for children of folk singers.

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Writer Statement

Ashley Van D cannot believe a show about Florida has NOT been done! The election of Trump made the US ripe for a blue-collar comedy that tackles modern issues like immigration and the LGBT community. Florida news gives endless fodder, plus subject matter ranging from Spring Breakers to Water Pollution. This show has heavy Social Media potential, featuring fishing videos and outtakes on Snapchat and Instagram while fishermen/women can share/contribute their stories as well.