The Salon

In Nazi Germany, Kitty runs a brothel that also serves as an underground escape for Jews. When she's caught, she has a choice work for a spy for the Nazis or die in a concentration camp.

  • April Littlejohn
  • Project Type:
    Television Script
  • Number of Pages:
  • Country of Origin:
    United States
  • Language:
  • First-time Screenwriter:
  • Student Project:
Writer Biography - April Littlejohn

April came from Chicago with a theater background and got into stunt work. She found great success in this area of film and television winning two Emmys and receiving two more nominations as well as one for a Taurus award. But her real passion was always in writing and often worked her way into the writer's room to help the writer's understand the action of the show. She went back to school and worked her way through the UCLA television writing program and heads up several writer's groups in LA. Currently, she is producing a horror show in NOHO for the HAlloween season. This will include works of her own and others. Her work has been seen in other theatrical presentations in LA and a few short films. She hopes to continue this process through a web series that will go up after the show's completion.

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Writer Statement

I love the direction television is going in. It allows a writer to tell stories (any story) to an audience that is willing to enjoy them. The formats are changing so fast that anything is possible. I often look at what my friends are looking at online and how easily they can change up what they want to watch. This is always going to be a writer's challenge but it is also incredibly exciting because once you grab an audience's attention, they will stick with you for life. Then, you not only get to share a story, you get to create an experience with them. I never knew I wanted to work in television until I got into the business. Mainly because I didn't know it was a possibility for me. Watching the programs out there, I am sure this is where I am supposed to be.