Positive Message (Lord of the Rainbow)
CAUTION!!! Caution! Please, do not do this at your home! Even do not try!! All the footage in thеsе videos is shot as a result of long years of practicing Kung Fu, transcendental meditation and happy coincidence.
This video is a part of my series of videos "RAINBOW DOES NOT BELONG TO NOBODY" , which has to be regarded as an artistic research on the RAINBOW as a phenomenon – physical (optical), but also political, social, financial, psychological, mystical and last but not least a phenomenon visual – the RAINBOW as natural manifestation of spectral colors.
Nэno BэlchэvDirector
Nэno BэlchэvWriter
Nэno BэlchэvProducer
Nэno BэlchэvKey Cast
Project Type:Animation, Experimental, Other
Runtime:53 seconds
Completion Date:March 16, 2012
Production Budget:0 USD
Country of Origin:Bulgaria
Country of Filming:Bulgaria
Shooting Format:Digital
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
First International MICRO Film FestivalMadrid
January 26, 2020 -
HALF: International Film FestivalKerala
September 16, 2019 -
Spectral Film FestivalStevens Point, WI
United States
April 5, 2019 -
OGA VideoArt Exhibitions 2019/2020Roma
October 15, 2018 -
United States
September 15, 2018 -
BLNKA JAM - Downtown Urban Arts Festival 2018Lubbock
United States
April 28, 2018 -
United States
April 26, 2018 -
60 Second Intl. Film FestivalIslamabad
March 16, 2018 -
Frozen Chernozyom's day Video Art FestivalVoronezh
Russian Federation
December 23, 2017 -
ESMoA Video Art + Film Festival: La EsperanzaEl Segundo, Los Angeles, CA
United States
November 4, 2017
Mt Buller Short Film FestivalVictoria
August 12, 2017 -
Vagrant International Video Film FestivalMinsk
July 23, 2017 -
MAKE8ELIEVE & EVERYBODYS PERFECT international film festivalGenèvе
September 24, 2014 -
WAYFINDING FILM FESTIVAL, (curators: Emily Puthoff & Elena Sniezek)Force Field Project; Philadelphia
United States
June 19, 2014 -
RESONANCE Exhibition 2014: International Video Art ExhibitionLove Bomb gallery, Richmond,
United States
May 20, 2014 -
DUPINI LIKE: international video art exhibitionVeliko Turnovo
December 10, 2013
CHANNELS: The Australian Video Art BiennialMelbourne
September 23, 2013
Australian premiere -
Acid Rain July 2013 Episode #59New York, NY
United States
July 17, 2013
World Premiere
solo exhibitions: THE RAINBOW DOES NOT BELONG TO ANYBODYCONTEMPORARY SPACE gallery and gallery "8", Varna
June 7, 2013
National Premiere
Distribution Information
videoholicaCountry: BulgariaRights: All Rights
Neno Belchev graduated in Mural Painting from the National Academy of Art in Sofia, Bulgaria. Neno works as video artist and filmmaker as well as in the fields of performance, installation, sculpture and new media. He has made one full-length movie, four medium-length documentaries and numerous short narrative films and video art works, which won prizes, awards and nominations from international video and film festivals in the United States, Russia, the Netherlands, Spain and Austria, as well as residency-grants in the United States, Russia, China, Japan, France and Portugal. Last one: prestigious XXVII-th CEC ArtsLink Fellowship Award for Foreign Artists (New York, USA). His works are possession of Xiangning Art Museum (Shenzhen, China), SAMSA (Sofia Arsenal Museum for Contemporary Art, Sofia, Bulgaria); private collections in the United Kingdom, Japan, Canada, Spain, Ukraine and others. Mr. Belchev is one of the founders of the International Video Art Festival Videoholica, Varna http://www.nenobel.net/
I'm a multidisciplinary artist, who for the last 15 years, has been working mainly in the field of video art. But my last work is a full-length movie, in which I tried to mix video art and cinema languages; actually, I tried to find my own language. (Here you can read more about it: http://www.nenobel.net/neno-a-heart-octopus.htm.) It took me almost 3 years to finish it – much more time, than I expected but during the work over it, I’ve realized that the most important thing being an artist is to have freedom of the thinking.
In my art works, I work in my own direction. My task as an artist is to look through the cover of things in their real essence. To provoke the people to see how of front of their own eyes their own world is changing. For me the art is a form of communication with other people and the artists has in their hands the art as a tool, in which the opportunity to provoke and change the thinking of the others is hidden.
I “say” seemingly well-known truths and facts, but by matching them with contradictory but very strong visual elements, which if considered at one level, seem to be in conflict with one another both ideologically and visually, but the appearance of these contradictory elements change the meaning deep in its roots and make it multileveled. As a result of it, I achieve multilevel message with strong irrational impact, which does not have to be considered by using logical thinking. The art is beyond the direct message. In my work, I use very often humour, beside that in the other hand I take my art very seriously.
The art is my way to be free.