SHE INSIDE: An art film taking a look in to the sometimes dark place the mind of a transexual, me, goes when I was dealing with the trials and tribulations of transitioning, depression, passing, fitting in with my peers. The film was thought up and directed by me and produced by Rotten Seedzz Multimedia Productions.
Morgan MontroyDirector
Morgan MontroyWriter
Morgan MontroyProducer
Richard ComackProducer
Morgan MontroyKey Cast
Richard ComackKey Cast
ScruffyKey Cast
Project Type:Documentary, Short, Other
Runtime:25 minutes 41 seconds
Completion Date:June 1, 2010
Country of Origin:Canada
Country of Filming:Canada
Shooting Format:Digital camra
Aspect Ratio:Standerd
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:No
Transgender Performance Artist , DJ, Song Writer,
Event Organizer, Aspiring Film Maker.
- Miss Dufferin 2001
- Honorary Princess 23
- The Native Entertainer of the Year 2009
- Lead singer & song writer for the band ROTTEN SEEDZZ
- Lady to the House of Rose
- The EPAMA's Queen of Hearts to Surrey 2014
- Lady to Reign XI
- Morgan Lisa Montroy