COPS & ROBBERZ is a mixture of RENO 911! (2003 - 2009) and TRAILER PARK BOYS (2001 - present) footage has been found showing the misadventures with a team of “elite” Cops.
Jack (Jack Hunter) is an ex - marine turned career bank robber who received a less then dishonorable discharge after being found guilty for dereliction of duty for his role in stealing gold bars along with millions of dollars from one of Saddam Hussains vaults while stationed in Iraq.
Working their way up the ladder of rats this leads Sheriff Peter (Peter Bent), Co - Sheriff Alex (Alex Kotsyk), Deputy Seabass (Kayla Zeifman), Deputy Kyle (Kyle Naylor), Deputy Leigh (Leigh Carroll) and Deputy ShaNe Marcellin (Kevin Huggins) cross couNtry of North America to his friend Tyler (Tyler Hebblewaite) who lives in Canada.
Tyler is Jacks partner in crime, so now with double the trouble in this high stakes game of cat and mouse that involves the usual bank robberies, interviewing eyewitnesses, high speed pursuits, foot pursuits standoffs and shootouts but... now in a different country will put these Americans to the ultimate test even pushing one over the edge eventually turning 'em rogue.
"We've had a chance to watch the film, we all agreed that it was certainly a strong entry"
- Mariam Zaidi C.F.M.D.C. -
Mariam ZaidiAgentCanadian Film Makers Distribution Center
Kevin HugginsDirectorNone
Kevin HugginsEditorNone
Kevin HugginsProducerNone
Kevin HugginsWriterNone
Peter BentKey Cast...?
Alex KotsykKey Cast...?
Kayla ZeifmanKey CastNone
Kyle NaylorKey Cast...?
Leigh CarrollKey Cast...?
Kevin HugginsKey CastNone
Jack HunterKey Cast...?
Tyler HebblethwaiteKey CastNone
Alexis HebblethwaiteKey CastNone
Scott HeymannSupporting CastNone
Taylor HugginsSupporting CastNone
Bart & MillhouseSupporting CastNone
Gershom BlakeSupporting CastNone
Denzel WilliamsSupporting CastNone
'97 Mustang GTSupporting CastNone
Amanda NaylorSupporting Cast...?
Matthias HugginsSupporting CastNone
Kevin SmithSupporting Cast...?
Adam West & Burt WardSupporting CastNone
Lowen FraserSupporting CastNone
Daniel SeymourSupporting CastNone
Lilith AntoniusSupporting Cast...?
Jules Winnfield & Vincent VegaSupporting CastNone
Malichi HugginsSupporting CastNone
Rihanna HugginsSupporting CastNone
Aisha HugginsSupporting Cast...?
Candice FosterSupporting CastNone
Chantel HugginsSupporting CastNone
Marsha HugginsSupporting CastNone
Bruno the dogSupporting CastNone
Desmond HugginsSupporting CastNone
Stanley HugginsSupporting CastNone
Perez HiltonSupporting Cast...?
Kieth Nunes "ADAPTA FILMS ENTERTAINMENT"Tech Support...?
Suzzane RevellNarrator...?
Kevin HugginsCastingNone
Kevin HugginsCreatorNone
Kevin HugginsCinematographyNone
Kevin HugginsExecutive ProducerNone
Kevin HugginsCostume DesignNone
Kevin HugginsCharacter DesignNone
Project Type:Feature
Genres:Action - Comedy, Found footage / Mockumentary / Blaxploitation, Guerrilla style film making and retro-scripting
Runtime:1 hour 23 minutes 4 seconds
Completion Date:October 15, 2019
Production Budget:7,600 USD
Country of Origin:Canada
Country of Filming:Barbados, Canada, Trinidad and Tobago
Shooting Format:Digital
Aspect Ratio:1920 x 1080
Film Color:Black & White and Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:No
Distribution Information
Canadian Filmmakers Distribution CenterCountry: WorldwideRights: All Rights
Kevin Huggins is a 1st time filmmaker who's a high school drop out with a grade 10 education that's been doing factory work for the past 22 years. He's been a film buff since childhood and always had a knack for thinking outside the box because of his over active imagination.
Being phased out of his Daughters life (bad role model/father figure) along with the death of his Cousin Tacuma put him in a depression and the nonsupport in filmmaking from family, friends, co-workers and acquaintances compounded it.
"When life hands you lemons, make lemonade"
I've done everything from Acting to Writing putting this together, voiced 15 characters, 30 locations were visited in order to complete this (Trinidad twice and Barbados 4 times), its ASL is 32 seconds, 33 jobs were split up within my skeleton crew (cast), there's 64 characters and it has 223 cinematic Easter eggs which include inside jokes, running gas, subliminal messages, homage to actual events, video games, music and past films.
Note: This file has been compressed from 28 GB down to 8 GB, so audio and video quality may not be as good as the master copy and project link website has a short film version just so you have an idea on my style of filmmaking.