Everybody lives downstream of somebody else. "Downstream: Connecting Indiana to the Gulf of Mexico" emphasizes how we are all connected — through our decisions, attitudes & actions. This documentary examines potential impact(s) of nitrogen, a fertilizer commonly used in the production of corn. Students enrolled in Water Quality Indiana at Ball State University began this production in September 2016, traveling to Louisiana with the intent to learn more about hypoxia, or the dead zone, in the Gulf of Mexico.
Expert interviews from Louisiana include Dr. Nancy Rabalais from the Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium and Dr. Melissa Baustian from The Water Institute of the Gulf. Expert interviews from Indiana include Justin Schneider from the Indiana Farm Bureau and Michael O'Donnell from Purdue University Extension.
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Ryan FlaneryDirector
Casey SmithWriter
Adam KubanProducer
Ryan ShankDirector of Photography
Nathan DeYoungAudio Tech
Ryan ShankEditor
Chris FlookColor Correction
Nathan DeYoungGraphics
Ryan WiaranowskiGraphics
Richard PurthaPress & Publicity
Project Type:Documentary, Student
Genres:Documentary, Science, Water Quality, nitrogen, dead zone, corn, cover crops, Indiana, Louisiana, Gulf of Mexico
Runtime:24 minutes 53 seconds
Completion Date:December 14, 2016
Production Budget:10,000 USD
Country of Origin:United States
Country of Filming:United States
Shooting Format:Digital
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:Yes
Virginia B. Ball Center for Creative Inquiry ShowcaseMuncie, Indiana
United States
December 14, 2016 -
Indiana Public BroadcastingMuncie, Indiana
United States
December 27, 2016
Distribution Information
YouTubeCountry: United StatesRights: Internet
Ryan Flanery is an undergraduate in the Department of Journalism at Ball State University. Flanery first contributed to Water Quality Indiana in Summer 2016, continuing his enrollment into the fall semester. Although he has a video-production background, "Downstream" represents Flanery's directorial debut and his first attempt at documentary storytelling.