Script Files


An Eerie Heirloom: For the sole purpose of financial gain, Mr. Monet, the Arles Hotel manager, and Roger, the bellhop, have devised a system of extorting funds by exposing the contents of a mysterious black box -- thus scaring their hotel guests into paying rent in arrears. However, they both receive the jolt of their lives when a mysterious guest calls from one of the rooms and requests room service.
When the bellhop finally becomes propositioned with fifty thousand dollars for the contents of the black box he eagerly accepts, with the promise that he should keep the transaction a secret. After hastening downstairs and hiding in a ladies room stall the hotel detective, hot on the trail, catches the bellhop in the act of counting the money. With the intentions of making an arrest, Detective La Roach assists him down to the lobby where he notifies the manager of the alleged theft. But the detective also receives the surprise of his career when the two-some confess that they had been collecting money from the hotel guests by shocking them into paying back rent.
The detective becomes flabbergasted when told that the reason the guests became so terrified was because the metal black box they had been brandishing contained an heirloom that was, not only frightening, but quite repugnant.
Upon the detective’s investigation it finally becomes revealed that the stranger was actually the ghost of Vincent Van Gogh. And when he was finally informed that he was the artist who became famous for cutting off his ear and delivered to a prostitute the detective nearly lost it. The detective mischievously referred to the contents an “Ear Loom.”

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    United States
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  • First-time Screenwriter:
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Writer Biography


Currently, Edward Longo has been actively writing one novel after the other; two of which have been submitted to a high-end agent as a screenplay adaptation for film and television. This author of five fiction novels would like to hear from producers, casting directors, and talent agents.

My expertise is such that I have been able to transform my stories into novels, and novels into a screenplays.

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Writer Statement

NOVELIST, WRITER, SCREENWRITER: In the interim, Edward J Longo has been actively writing one novel after the other; two of which have been submitted to a high-end agent as screenplay adaptations for film and television. : This author of five fiction novels would like to hear from producers, casting directors, and talent agents. My expertise is such that I have been able to transform my stories into novels, and novels into a screenplays. As a sideline, Mr. Longo is looking for a particular writing project that requires the ability to create a novel, or script, from any premise using his own particular style. Currently, his "Collection of Short Stories" is available as an Amazon "Kindle" ebook, and as an ebook at Barnes and Nobel.