Lord of the house
A rebellious Kosovar midwife fights for her freedom, against the century-old Albanian traditions based on male-dominance that her family lives by. She is in her sixties now, and looking back at her life in which she fought so hard for her position.
But as she grows older, she realises that family is family and what she longs for most, is her family’s love and appreciation.
Her quest is set against the background of a transforming society where the role of these old customs, written up in the ‘Kanun’, is changing, and people struggle to find their place between tradition and change.
Danielle BremerDirector
Danielle BremerWriter
Edon Rizvanolli, 1244 Productions KosovoProducer
Project Title (Original Language):Zoti i shpisë
Project Type:Documentary
Runtime:60 minutes
Completion Date:June 15, 2017
Country of Origin:Kosovo
Shooting Format:HD
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:No
Daniëlle Bremer (1972, The Netherlands) is a director passionate about telling human stories. She studied at the University of Amsterdam where she got her masters in Communication. From 2000 till 2007 she lived in Kosovo where she learned Albanian and made television programs and reportages for the United Nations, OSCE and international broadcasters such as CNN. Currently she is based in Amsterdam where she works on documentaries, reportages, television programs, commissioned films and online-projects about a range of topics.