Script Pipeline 14th Great Movie Idea Contest
2 sentence Log Line:
An inspirational, two- fold, faith based, romantic autobiography / fairy tale with a twist, turning a tragedy into Heavenly treasures, after making medical history in a bizarre auto accident, a College bound Texas Cinderella’s death, from inconceivable Heavenly places, to inappropriately feeling, bewildered after being kicked out of Heaven, into a mind's journey of a vacuum, to thought provoking awareness of the miraculous ways God works within and through Cinderella's life and others. A heart's journey of looking for love to finding the treasured love in the circles within life’s connections, through people places and things from the Heaven- sent twists and turns, of the bumpy road of time.
“WHAT ARE YOUR TREASURES?” To Everything there is a Season and a time to every Purpose under Heaven. Ecclesiastes 3: Sometimes, in order, to understand the end, you have, to go back to the beginning. You don’t want to be the one forgotten and left behind, no one wants to carry their own boots and saddle down life’s troubled roads alone. Life is a force of change, there is no set time- period for a season. We all go through them, but at different rates and times. It is up to you and God’s Grace on how you handle the changes in your life. Life is what you make it! An inspirational two- fold, faith based, romantic autobiography of adventure, including dramatic, humorous undertones with a twist of the unexpected. There are many traveled roads in life, but only a few will travel the extraordinary roads, the chosen roads of God. These roads led me to discover my true treasures. “For where your Treasures is, there your heart will be” (Matt. 6:20-21 KJV.} A “Cinderella” fairy tale, that doesn’t end like you think it should. Ranging from the 50’s through present time, come ride with me and experience various wonders of unique marvels that will take your breath away and boost the hope of your tomorrow’s. Hear the manner, of inexplicable connections and recollections and the way God’s Grace ties everything together for an open ending twist. Witness how fate and God’s control or was it in the Devils plan, at the age of 19, a College bound, Texas Cinderella ’s life changed forever. Making medical history, when I died from a freak car accident, left me with uncompromising brain damage. Feeling like a scarecrow, without a brain, the Texas Cinderella, a diamond, in the rough, struggles to overcome my difficult life situations. Torn, myself esteem battles for one identity to prevail. The battle for control brings about a dichotomy, as the search for my own identity, through the passage of time is finally released to God. The battles between the scare crow,“ oh, where is my brain when I need it !” and Cinderella’s fear of being, forgotten, turning into ash and swept under a rug , reveal God’s Grace and the miraculous ways God works within and through the Texas Cinderella.My remarkable journey through Heaven left me with the promise, from Jesus, of making my dreams come true. Allowing me to return and finish what God had started within my life, Jesus promise of a difficult life ahead did not deter me to search for treasures. In the search, I uncover wonderful words of life. An enlightened story of faith, grace, hope and love. A tale of birth and many rebirths. The laborious struggles, joys and surprises in life and the beauty of death. Through these miraculous encounters, I found my true Treasures. I have always felt, you may not end up where you thought you’d be, but you will always end up where you are meant to be. We chose how we handle it! Won’t you join me and make a difference in some one’s life? I hope to inspire and encourage you to Glorify Jesus, by living your life as a testament and to share your own story of grace. We know, if you believe in eternity, your story will never end. It will continue forever through all time. The colorful seeds of your actions will produce beautiful treasures. Won’t you join me and BE a Treasure, Make, a Treasure, Find, a Treasure, Witness, a Treasure and Embrace a Treasure. It’s a way of life that will add many blessings to your family’s life, to your own, and others that you touch. Jesus promised to never leave me or forget me. The assurance of love, strength, guidance and hope to become the perfect diamond in God’s eyes enabled me to choose the extraordinary road to search for true treasures that could not be destroyed. “Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known. When you make the finding yourself- even if you’re the last person on Earth to see the light-you never forget it.” Carl Sagan. I miraculously find myself on a Journey through Heaven without Jesus beside me. I witness never described before Holy wonders. Feeling less like a Texas Cinderella and more like the scarecrow from the Wizard of Oz on a mission, to find Jesus, ”oh, if I only had a brain!” I travel through the many Gardens of Eden, converse with my Grandfather and witness several members of my family, who have already passed on, as they fish on the River of Life. I enter through the Pearly Gates expecting to find Jesus, but it is empty. With a song in my heart, I meet Jesus. Cinderella becomes confused as Jesus is not wearing bare feet and sandals.This is not what I had expected! His feet were troubling to me! Jesus informs me. “Do not be, concerned, it is I Jesus, who you think it is. I was not expecting to see you so soon!” More confusion registers into Cinderella's head, as I thought, “Isn’t He supposed to know everything?” From out of the blue, I feel bewildered, like an unexpected guest. I have several more conversations with Jesus and witness Him in 4 different forms. Upon beholding my wondrous room, Jesus had prepared for me, Jesus tests me as I ask Him. “Where are my treasures?” He responds back with a question of his own. After He questions me, I realize, I want to go back and follow my dreams. I unexpectedly, felt I had arrived in Heaven too soon! I had not full filled my purpose! After viewing the Throne and my new name written in the Book of Life, I become confused as I do not recognize my new name! I am kicked out of Heaven to the land of the living, alive, confused, and severely debilitated. The loss of almost all, of my memory and motor controls, my new existence is a contrast struggle of confusion and frustration. I am no longer Cinderella, the princess, but instead the Scarecrow, a clumsy assemblage without a brain. Cinderella has become the Scarecrow my own nemesis as I fight to overcome my difficulties of mastering my own mind, while the Scarecrow strangles my path with confusion and frustration a dichotomy is formed between Cinderella and the Scarecrow who is without a brain. My remembered conversations with Jesus, helps me to find purpose within my struggling existence. With Jesus by my side, I follow His path to discover the extraordinary events that miraculously connect me to my past and encounter two Prince Charming’s. One from my past/ future the other from my present/ future. This miraculous encounter, through a song sent from God, has me experiencing many rebirths of my body and spirit, between Cinderella and the scare crow without a brain. The battle for control, ignites recollections and re-connections from my past as I through the grace of God, discover the miraculous way He works and uncover the keys to treasures that cannot be stolen or destroyed, even in Death.
Think of the movie "The Way We Were", but Cinderella can only recall the memories that are given to her through the grace of God, the movie,” Wizard of Oz”, where Cinderella’s search for Jesus and understanding the way God works uncovers her Heavenly treasures and” Three Coins in a
Fountain”, where God and Cinderella or is it the devil disguised as Cinderella scarecrow who chooses Cinderella’s choice for living happily ever after?
Other notes or comments:
Even though, others asked me to write down my story, I never believed I could, due to my disability. It wasn’t until the computer, became a common device in every house hold and the right persons and time in my life occurred, did my story become a fruition on paper. My true story was inspired by friends in a bible study class, by” Neil T Anderson, Walk by Faith not by Sight. I was encouraged to write down what I remembered of my death, when I was asked to recall my baptism. Not knowing where this would lead me as I had lost my writing abilities as well as my memory on how to do every day functional things when I returned from my death in 1972. The loss of memory affected me mentally in an extraordinary way. Instead of viewing my life circumstances as the previous College Bound Texas Cinderella of the early 70’s, I began to picture myself as a Scare Crow without a brain! Creating a unique dichotomy between Cinderella, who I was, to what I became. “A Scarecrow, without a brain”. My struggles on recovering my lost memories became a stumbling block. After many years of struggling and relearning what I should have already known, it wasn’t until I let it go, by trusting in God’s eternal plan for me and became resigned that my path in life was not what I thought it should be, but it was what God needed me to be, did I finally, realize my traveled road was all ready in place and my treasures were already there waiting for me to discover. Life is what you make it! I was born with a deformity in the early 50’s, but by the time I reached my early years of childhood, the deformity had resolved itself. I never knew I had a deformity until I began writing down my life story and searched for infant pictures of myself. My family was always joking amongst, each other, funny I never got that joke, until many years latter! Yes, God does have a sense of humor! This is one of many unexpected discovered connections that became a treasured gift from God. In the writing of my story, I studied under Steve Harrison’s school of product placement. The following are the products that helped mold my story from ordinary to extraordinary!
Gold Medal Flour, Gravy Train Dog Food, Southwest Airlines, Chevrolet Pick- up Trucks, Crayola Crayons, Schwinn bicycle, Chambers Stoves, Merritt O’Keeffe ovens, Folgers Coffee, Coke a Cola, Joy, dish soap, Jergens cold cream, Johnson and Johnson’s bath powder, Dairy Queen, Southern California Strawberries, Blue Bell Ice- Cream: ”Pralines and Cream”, Volkswagen Beetle, Kodak film, Lifestyle Lift, Bic Pen. Music of Frank Sinatra, Nat King Cole, and other music from the 40’s and early 50’s, Christian bible songs from Elvis Presley and country/ pop music of the late 60’s- 70’s,
Cindy Barry StrobelWriter
Michael Logan StrobelWriter
Project Type:Screenplay, Stage Play, Television Script, Other
Genres:Faith Based Autobiography, romantic
Number of Pages:206
Country of Origin:United States
First-time Screenwriter:Yes
Student Project:No
Friends describe me as a Cinderella with a gypsy flair. I describe myself as a Cinderella with a Scarecrow brain! Like the Scarecrow in the Wizard of Oz, searching for a brain. At age 19, a bizarre car accident exposed me to carbon monoxide poisoning. The CO poisoning had the effect of a tornado, blowing my brain clean and leaving debris for me to piece together. Little was left of my recollections and operation of the simplest of things were difficult. In 1972, I was informed by my doctors that I made medical history. They couldn’t tell my parents if I would ever recover the abilities or my memory. It would take time. How much no one knew. I still occasionally struggle with minor instances that pop up unexpectedly.
I began writing 5 years ago about this event, when I was challenged in a bible study class to write it down. Even though my writing abilities were long gone, the use of the computer enabled me to put my story on paper. I studied under Steve Harrison to market the writing of my book through product placement.
While growing up on a farm in the 50s in Bowie Texas, I picture myself as a Cinderella/ Snow White. Since my auto accident in 1972 I began to also picture myself as a Cinderella with a scare crow brain. I hope to give a voice and some insight from myself and others on real life experiences.
I want to encourage you to find your own story of Grace and to pass it forward to help others in their own life’s struggles. My hope for you is that you become a treasure in someone’s life. You may never know how the actions that you take will make colorful seeds in someone s life. I feel the publication of my book and turning it into a movie and tv program and possibly even a new game, by passing forward my experiences is my true occupation and purpose in life.
I am a resident of Cedar Creek Lake area since 1990. I have been published in several magazine articles and online about my artistic abilities known as “Reclaimed Objects” where I make unique decorative objects and furnishings for your home using driftwood and found objects. You may find some “Reclaimed Objects” locally. I like to browse at flea markets, antique, home specialty stores, boutiques and resale shops. I am a nature and
music lover. A short story written by me is published in the book 88+ Ways Music Can Change Your Life by Vincent James. It is filled with over 150 inspirational stories & quotes from musicians, music educators and music lovers from all over the world. Included stories from Grammy winning and platinum selling artists & composers. You may find my book " WHAT ARE YOUR TREASURES?" at several local businesses.
I hope you will join me in making treasures for others! Be a Treasure, Make a Treasure, Give a Treasure, Witness a Treasure and Embrace a Treasure. It is a way of life that will add many blessings to your family’s life as well as your own. You don’t want to be the one that is forgotten and left behind. No one likes to carry their own boots and saddle during life’s difficult journeys.
Contact info: whatareyourtreasures@gmail.com
Web address: www.whatareyourtreasures.com
I believe my miraculous story will inspire people to realize that no matter how difficult or joyful your life journey may be, If you trust in the Lord's finished works that He has planned for you, your treasures will be complete. Many blessings to you and yours!
Cindy Barry Strobel