To the Land of Many Waters
With this short film piece, I was interested in exploring cultural narrative, and how it shapes who we are. During August 2016, I visited Guyana - a small country in South America, where half of my family are from. Although a large part of my cultural identity, I was yet to visit; and found creating a short film piece about the experience allowed me to interact with, and feel at home in what could have been seen as somewhat of cultural homecoming. The film in part, follows 8 year old Garimah, using her experiences as a young Indo-Guyanese girl to inform my own experiences.
Inspired by ideas of meta narrative, I subtitled the footage with excerpts of conversation, picked up during my time spent in the country; and narrating footage not directly relevant to the footage. I wanted to create an idea of overall identity, only truly understood once the entire film was watched in its entirety.
Rohanie Campbell-ThakoordinDirector
Rohanie Campbell-ThakoordinWriter
Rohanie Campbell-ThakoordinProducer
The People of GuyanaKey Cast
Project Type:Documentary, Short, Student
Genres:documentary, video art
Runtime:14 minutes 10 seconds
Completion Date:November 22, 2016
Country of Origin:United Kingdom
Country of Filming:Guyana
Shooting Format:digital
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:Yes
Rohanie Campbell-Thakoordin
Distribution Information
Rohanie Campbell-ThakoordinCountry: United KingdomRights: All Rights