Bandit Day Operation Sandman

In a build up to WWIII, two USN elite fighter pilot commanders compete for aerial supremacy with romance history between them onboard the USS Harry Truman when a nuclear attack on NATO ally Turkey occurs during Big Buck's flight mission killing two pilots and after Russia/Iran/North Korea are discovered to be carrying out these global IT hostile hacks under the guise of 'LUCIFER2', America declares war in alliance w/NATO to the enemies' intentions to overthrow existing western democracies and redraw Middle East, European and North American maps to reflect subjugation and conformity to aggressors' control. G.I. JANE meets MILLION DOLLAR BABY births COURAGE UNDER FIRE.

  • Shell Jan Walker-Cook
    Bar None, Chevy Chase Heist, Lineage
  • Project Type:
    Television Script
  • Number of Pages:
  • Country of Origin:
    United States
  • Language:
  • First-time Screenwriter:
  • Student Project:
  • Amsterdam Independent Film Festival
    Amsterdam, The Netherlands
    September 1, 2016
    Van Gogh Award, Best Drama Screenplay
Writer Biography - Shell Jan Walker-Cook

Shell Walker-Cook on imdB Pro.

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MFA Screenwriting in Residence UCLA TFT. Completion Date June 2019.