Vittorio is a child with a difficult childhood and adolescence. The familiar rigidity wears out and annihilates his personality. Its unique, growing desire is to escape and never return. The drive to do that comes to him definitively from the encounter with who would become his life partner...
Alberto MoscaDirector
Alberto MoscaWriter
Ernesto Del GessoWriter
A.M. Productions (Alberto Mosca)Producer
Alberto MoscaKey Cast
Noemi GiangrandeKey Cast
Tiberio GuerriniKey Cast
Arianna ContiKey Cast
Alessandro LondeiKey Cast
Mario FocardiKey Cast
Edoardo PirròKey Cast
Brunella CarontiKey Cast
Fabiana Fosca FerraraKey Cast
Michele FazzittaKey Cast
Claudio BellezzaKey Cast
Matteo De PadovaKey Cast
Germano Di RenzoKey Cast
Flavia De LucaKey Cast
Michael CALEFI LEONIKey Cast
Ruslan REINAKey Cast
Gloria IMPERIKey Cast
Franco FRANCHIKey Cast
Ernesto DEL GESSOCrewAiuto regia
Gianluca DE RENZICrewAssistente alla regia
Alessandro LONDEICrewMusiche originali
Tiziano TRACA’CrewDirettore della fotografia
Paolo RAVALLICrewOperatore
Massimo BETTICrewMontaggio
Romeo GIAMMEI, Celeste FRONTINOCrewFonici di presa diretta
Mediavox & SoundCrewMontaggio suono e mix
STUDIO 2000CrewCostumi
Fulvio FERRARACrewFotografo di scena
Fulvio FERRARACrewScenografie
Jenny TOMASELLOCrewTrucco e parrucco
Massimo BETTICrewBackstage
Project Title (Original Language):I-EMME
Project Type:Short
Runtime:19 minutes 20 seconds
Completion Date:October 30, 2015
Production Budget:10 EUR
Country of Origin:Italy
Country of Filming:Italy
Shooting Format:HD
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:No
Dramatic Shorts – USAOn Line Festival
United States
January 26, 2016
3° classificato
Money -
Online International Film Festival - OIFF 2016On Line Festival
United States -
Festival del Cinema Veramente IndipendenteRome
April 15, 2016 -
Roma Cinema DOCRome
selected among the finalists -
Venice Film WeekVenice
selected among the finalists -
International Filmaker Fest of BerlinBerlin
October 27, 2016
Nomination as: "Best Supporting Actor in a Foreign Language Film"; “Best Director of a Short Foreign Language Film”; "Best Hair, Make Up & Body Design"
“Best Director of a Short Foreign Language Film” -
International Filmaker Fest of MilanMilan
December 2, 2016
Nominations as: "Best Short Foreign Language Film"; "Best Original Screenplay of a Foreign Language Film"
Distribution Information
A.M. Productions (Alberto Mosca)Country: ItalyRights: Internet, Video / Disc
Born in Rome on: January 17, 1962
e-mail: albertomosca1@virgilio.it
1993 Graduate of the acting course at the theater "Le Salette", POIESIS Society of Rome directed by M. Adorisio and M. Faraoni (students of E. Albertini, A. Crast and S. Randone), A. Duse (from theater of C. Baseggio)
1990 Stage with S. Di Pietro on gesture, movement and techniques of "drawl"
1991 Stage with F. Lombardi (Actor's Studio in New York) "Psicotechnic and relaxation techniques"
1991 Stage with L. Petrillo on the Commedia dell'Arte
1992 Stage with A. Duse on the Venetian theater of the
'400 /' 700, from Ruzante to C. Goldoni
2015-EMME A. Mosca
2010 Flood of love (1-2 - Short Film) A. Mosca
2009 My name is Luca, I'm 40 years old (Web series) A. Mosca
Nominations in 2016 as "Best Short Foreign Language Film" and "Best Original Screenplay of a Foreign Language Film" to the "The International Filmmaker Festival of World Cinema Milan 2016" with the short film "I-EMME"
Nominations 2016 as "Best Supporting Actor in a Foreign Language Film"; "Best Hair, Make Up & Body Design" and "Best Director of a Short Foreign Language" at "The International Filmmaker Festival of World Cinema Berlin 2016" with the short film "I-EMME"
2016 Awarded as "Best Director of a Short Foreign Language Film" at "The International Filmmaker Festival of World Cinema Berlin 2016"
2016 Finalist in the Online International Film Festival - OIFF 2016 with the short film "I-EMME"
2016 3rd place 2016 Dramatic Shorts Film Competitions - USA with the short film "I-EMME"
2016 Nomination for Best Support Actor in web "Rew" series to the Rome Web Awards
2016 Finalist in the Online International Film Festival - OIFF 2016 with the short film "I-EMME"
2016 3rd place 2016 Dramatic Shorts Film Competitions - USA with the short film "I-EMME"
2014 Best Actor in the short film "Anacleto" directed by E. Del Gesso to the VI edition "The Courts on the table - Cinema and Psychoanalysis" - XV of Open Air Cinema Festival "- Artistic Director Ignatius Senator - President Alexander Jury
2013 Finalist 1st Edition "Troisi Festival" (Morcone - Bn) Art Direction A. Parciasepe
Permission of the data pursuant to Legislative Decree 196/03
Alberto Mosca
There are two things that never come back:
an arrow, a missed opportunity. (J. R.)
Actor of theater and cinema
Director of theater and cinema
Elocution teacher, acting and psychotechnics
After reading the story, written by her dear friend Marina Rizzello, in 2015 began working on a film project remained in the drawer for several years: I-EMME, taken precisely the same story.
The potential of the story, in its relationship between the characters, are those for a feature film, but the few economic resources available to carry Alberto Mosca to have to opt for a short film. His First Work, available in 5 weekends in February and March 2015 and ended with the assembly in October of the same year, it participates in many national and international festivals, obtaining several important findings.