Script File
Initial Shock, The Brigitte Harris Story
True story of Brigitte Harris who was sexually abused by her father from age of 3,accidentally killed him and was wrongfully convicted for accidentally killing him, but she befriended a pen pal Terri Johnson, also sexually abused. Who helped her get paroled to help save all sexually abused children of the world
Terri JohnsonWriter
Project Type:Screenplay
Number of Pages:116
Country of Origin:United States
First-time Screenwriter:Yes
Student Project:No
I've been a script supervisor for over 30 years, working with, Will and Jada Pinkett, Wesley Snipes, Emilio Rivera, Pam Gibson Heavy D and Mikki Willis and Freeman White III. Have also worked on How to get aWa with murder and Comedy get down.
I have sole exclusive rights to tell this true story