Script Files


Before taking his final vows, a Saxon Monk is thrust from the safety of his Abbey into war-ravaged medieval England. Forced to fight in the war against France, he must choose between his love of God and duty to his country.
You can serve both God and country when you seek the answers from within

  • Nigel Grant
  • Project Type:
    Student, Screenplay
  • Number of Pages:
  • Country of Origin:
    United States
  • Language:
  • First-time Screenwriter:
  • Student Project:
Writer Biography - Nigel Grant

A retired attorney originally from England and Australia but now a grateful US citizen. Studying at the University of Georgia Low-Residency MFA in Screenwriting project.

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Writer Statement

Now in my seventies I wish to fulfill my lifelong dream of writing screenplays that impact on peoples' lives by weaving spiritual values and the story of Jesus Christ into movies based on actual history. This is the story of a Saxon monk struggling to come to grips with the demands of the outside world - here fighting in France during the Hundred Years' War - and yet stay true to the teachings of Jesus he has come to love. Based on actual history.