Experiencing Interruptions?


The film 'Oilers' (2016) by Massimiliano Mollona (UK) and Anne Marthe Dyvi (NO). One often asks the question how the economy looks, or how the prospects for the oil sector looks. We wanted to expand the conversation about the sector and its consequences. In the film 'Oilers' we followed the year 2015 from the worker's point of view - by returning regularly to a large Norwegian workplace where oil platforms get puzzled together piece by piece by trained labor hands. We have attempted to collect the visual alphabet of the economy and the labor market as it appears today on the west coast of Norway. Meanwhile, politics and human destinies inevitably shape our view on employment, recession and changing. In 2015 it disappeared around 30,000 jobs in the Norwegian oil sector. The same is expected for 2016. The film follows the people behind the numbers, their expectations for the future and faith in a sector facing big changes.
The recordings were made at Kvaerner Stord in Norway.

  • Massimiliano Mollona, Anne Marthe Dyvi
  • Bergen Assembly
  • Guy Ducker
  • Project Type:
    Documentary, Experimental
  • Runtime:
    19 minutes 59 seconds
  • Completion Date:
    August 24, 2016
  • Production Budget:
    12,000 GBP
  • Country of Origin:
  • Country of Filming:
  • Language:
    English, Norwegian
  • Shooting Format:
  • Aspect Ratio:
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
  • Bergen assembly 2016
    September 1, 2016
  • Bergen Assembly- every day for one month
    October 1, 2016
Director Biography - Massimiliano Mollona, Anne Marthe Dyvi

Massimiliano (Mao) Mollona is a writer, filmmaker and anthropologist. He has a multidisciplinary background in economics and anthropology and his work focuses on the relationships between art and political economy. He conducted extensive fieldworks in Italy, UK, Norway and Brazil, mainly in economic institutions, looking at the relationships between economic development and political identity through participatory and experimental film projects. His practice is situated at the intersection of pedagogy, art and activism.

Anne Marthe Dyvi (born 1979) is an artist and filmmaker educated and based in Bergen with an MA in fine arts from Bergen Academy of Art and Design, 2010. In addition to her own practice as an artist, she is a part of the artist group Ytter, and works as artistic developer at Bergen Center for Electronic Arts. Her work can often be described as interdisciplinary, site-specific processes. Her work has been shown in several parts of Norway and Sweden, Italy, Slovakia, England, Germany, Estonia, Iceland , Denmark and Lithuania. She was a part of the resource group developing a national archive for video arts in Norway for the Arts Council. She writes and lectures about art on a freelance basis.

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