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La parola greca “hybristes” significa colui che ha commesso un atto di “hybris”, cioè ha sfidato gli déi (o socialmente i “poteri forti”) perché sicuro delle proprie capacità. Nella tragedia, l'hybris può ripercuotersi non solo sul “colpevole” originario ma anche sui suoi discendenti innescando così una situazione che si prolunga nel tempo. La locuzione “cogito ergo sum” di Cartesio afferma “penso dunque sono” dando una certezza del proprio essere ed è per questo che ho voluto fondere questi due stati filosofici-sociali per dare rilevanza al contrasto tra di essi.
Nel cortometraggio ho cercato di unire un malessere sociale che fa rinchiudere in se stessi chi non si sente accettato dalla società con delle scoperte tangibili riscontrate da me in alcuni dipinti di Raffaello Sanzio. Un piccolo viaggio tra situazioni oniriche e reali che cerca di esser costituito a strati sempre più profondi, esattamente come il nostro “essere” e come le opere d'arte prese in esame.

  • Marcello Quartieri
  • Marcello Quartieri
  • Marcello Quartieri
  • IMAGINE Independent Film Lab
  • Adelmo Macchioni
    Key Cast
  • Martina Rigoni
    Key Cast
  • Cinzia Torelli
    Assistant Director
  • Fabio Vandelli
    Assistant Director
  • Antonella De Mattia
    Assistant Director
  • Roberto Savegnago
    Sound engineer
  • Angelica Patti
    Dubbing supervisor
  • Antonella De Mattia
    Make up
  • Cinzia Torelli
    Scene photographer
  • Martina Rigoni
  • Project Type:
  • Genres:
    Drama, Social
  • Runtime:
    14 minutes 10 seconds
  • Completion Date:
    September 29, 2016
  • Production Budget:
    100 EUR
  • Country of Origin:
  • Country of Filming:
  • Language:
  • Shooting Format:
  • Aspect Ratio:
  • Film Color:
    Black & White
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
  • VIII Festival Internazionale del Cinema Patologico
    April 20, 2017
    Italian Premiere
    Official Selection
  • Pázmány Film Festival
    February 7, 2017
    Hungary Premiere
    Official Selection
  • A Corto Metraggio Festival
    Aielli Alto (AQ)
    August 3, 2017
    Official Selection
  • IX° Ed. ROMA FILM CORTO International Festival
    December 16, 2017
    Official Selection
Director Biography - Marcello Quartieri

In 2002, Marcello Quartieri founded the group "UN GRUPPO A PARTE", a debuting self-producted film project oriented in learning and production of short films. The group realised clips for national and international movie contests meeting with fair jury panel approvals, in particular we pointed out the 2004 project "Carne degli Dei" for the contest "Officina delle opere prime" organized by Cineteca of Bologna and selected by a jury made up of: Giuseppe Bertolucci, Bitterlin Luca, Gian Luca Farinelli, Angelo Guglielmi.
From 2006 to 2007, the group stops for technical reasons.
In 2008, "UN GRUPPO A PARTE" changes its name to "IMAGINE LAB" and takes a training process for the realization of advertising spots and music videoclips, realizing the advertisement of the product "PrimeUve" for the company Bonaventura Maschio.
In 2014 "IMAGINE - Independent Film Lab" arises with a crew of more than twenty people as assets, realizing advertisments for Beck's - Brazil 2014, EniRacing - MotoGP, Fernet Branca, Kijiji Italia, and it holds an important Professional Collaboration with the International Network of Filmmakers Userfarm!
The group, in October 2014, realizes the video "Tutte le mie ragioni" for a competitor of X-Factor Italy. In 2015 the group working on a episodic film "TIME" and a short film "EPIFANIA". Early 2016, an experimental short movie on Fibonacci sequence "1-1-2-3-5-8-13" and a short film shot in vertical format "Every Day". September 2016 born "HYBRISTES", a short film in competition at the David di Donatello Awards (2017).

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Director Statement

The greek word “hybristes” means one who had committed “hybris”, that is to challenge the gods (or socially the “power”) because he's certain of his ability. In the tragedy, hybris can have repercussions not only on the original culprit but even on his descendants, triggering a situation that goes on in time. The Cartesio's locution “Cogito ergo sum” states “I think, so I be” giving a certainty of our self, and for this I fuse this two philosophical-social states, to give importance on the contrast between them.
In the short film I try to combine a social uneasiness, that locked up a person in his self because he's not accepted by the society, with the tangible discoveries I found in some paintings of Raffaello Sanzio. A small journey between dreamlike and real situations that try to be built in deeper and deeper layers, just like our self and the works examined.