Script File
The Inbetween
The Inbetween
When after life the doors of Heaven or Hell won’t open for you, The Inbetween will be
your final destination.
During their drive home, the family Jones had a fatal accident. There were only two
survivors: the dog and the best friend of the father.
When they ‘woke up’ the only thing they saw was an elevator in a white space.
Inside the elevator there were 2 option buttons: Heaven or Hell.
After being rejected from Heaven (due to the bad behaviour of the father’s life on
earth,) the family decided to stay together as a family and went ‘downstairs’. To their
surprise the doors of Hell stayed closed. Apparently they weren’t ‘bad’ enough.
Luckily there was another option for them: The Inbetween.
Across the corner of Hell is an office where you can exchange all the good deeds you
did in life for coins to buy a property in between.
With the help of the local real estate agent they found their dream resort. A very big
house with a lot of potential. Another interesting detail: they would have a strange
wizard neighbour. Later they will ask for his help to create their inventory…
Unfortunately the resort is above their budget. They had to make some extra coins to
buy the property. So going back to the office the opportunity was given if they split
up and stayed in Heaven and Hell to do good deeds.
After a short discussion the mother and the son went to heaven and father and
daughter to hell.
In Heaven God is known as a sophisticated good looking womanizer and he has set
his hopes on Emma (the mother of the family)
The son is not happy with his job as dishwasher and after an attempt to spit in the
rice pudding he got arrested by an angel-cop.
During a (partially forced, to keep her son out of jail and to keep her earned coins )
‘romantic dinner’ with her, God accidently revealed his secret of being the Almighty:
he survives on all the good souls that come to him. Same as Satan where all the bad
souls go. And the power of believing that you can be what you want to be or want to
do really! exists.
In Hell Satan’s son has a crush on the daughter of the family. He managed to
convince her to go on a date with him on his Harley Devilsson. He shows her the
burning lakes, death hills and black holes. The father has to work in the bar. He
likes his job a lot.
Once reunited the mother is thrilled to tell her family what happened. They buy the
property and start to create the new place to be after heaven and hell. It has to be
new, refreshing, badass,… for all ages and more from the 21th century.
They will steel the clients from god and satan by sabotaging the elevator and handing
over flyers at the entrance of heaven and hell. It doesn’t take long before people
come to their resort.
Panic in heaven and Hell. God and Satan have to put their efforts together against
the family. They are not best friends but in one way they already have to work
together. She has to make sure that no evil soul can escape from hell.
Both of them are invited by the ‘new almighty’s’ in the “Glad-he-ate-her arena” to
battle. The winner will win all the power.
Project Type:Screenplay, Other
Number of Pages:76
Country of Origin:Belgium
First-time Screenwriter:Yes
Student Project:No