Original idea by Marco Coraggio
Soundtrack: "Prélude à l'après-midi d'un faune", Claude Debussy, Paris 1894
Belgrade Philharmonic Orchestra and Igor Markevitch © 2013
Photo shoots and video editing: Marco Coraggio
Made in Salerno, Italy
Thursday, December 3, © 2015
All rights reserved
Synopsis: The author inspired by the notion of the beauty of the natural and uncontaminated landscape, reinterprets the human body watching it with new eyes and from particular points of view, so widening its aesthetic value.
"The skin is the integument through which passes the mutual psychophysical perception among individuals. Place of body contact, communication of desire as well as the infection, which looked inevitable next track trajectories in search of knowledge of others. The skin also understood as protean externalization of the subjective nature, ethnicity, senility, malaise or bad mood, emotion, the disturbance, in practice, of the multisensorial factors. So, as a reflector, the video camera becomes the instrument of focus of epithelial tissue, in order to discover new interpretations, whether direct to the ritual or to social or religion or simple psychological approach, including through macro photographic abstractions."
by Marco Coraggio
Marco CoraggioDirector
Marco CoraggioProducer
Project Title (Original Language):PAESAGGI IN PELLE
Project Type:Experimental
Runtime:8 minutes 9 seconds
Completion Date:December 3, 2015
Production Budget:0 EUR
Country of Origin:Italy
Country of Filming:Italy
Shooting Format:Digital
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
Digital mixed media artist and architect, born in 1960 in Salerno, Italy. Curator of numerous contemporary art exhibitions; promoter and popularizer activist in the field of digital-new-media art; artistic director of web portals of digital and contemporary art; Rapporteur of the National Conference for the creation of the Italian Charter of the Web; several times on the jury for national and international contemporary art and video art competitions; He has delivered and received awards in contemporary art competitions; He has had several collaborations with national and international artists; often selected for large national and international exhibitions of contemporary art with works of digital art and video art installations; He has written numerous articles on digital art by national and international newspapers; He oversaw the entire adaptation of Italian dialogues (subtitles) for the foreign language film SIN & SILLY German director Maria Hengge, winner at Montelupo Film Festival for Best Feature Film Director in 2015; recently he exhibited his digital art creations at the prestigious headquarters of the Diocesan Museum of Salerno, the last home of the Medical School of Salerno.
Since 2006 produces its own works of video art; its production of video art 2006-2013 was fully acquired by the Directorate General of the Ministry of Culture and resides on a permanent basis in the National Museum of Contemporary Art of the monumental complex of the Certosa di San Lorenzo in Padula; his video contribution has been selected for the first social movie of the Italian history: ITALY IN A DAY, film premiered out of competition absolute September 2, 2014 at the 71st Venice Film Festival in Venice, a project by Ridley Scott, directed and edited by Oscar winner Gabriele Salvatores; his videos have been exhibited during the European Night of Museums 2015 at the monumental complex of San Pietro a Corte, in Salerno. He was present with its own video production at the Maxxi museum in Rome for YAP FEST 2015 and at ABC - Association Culturelle Bourguignonne Dijon, France.
Leaving aside minor events, it has been present in prestigious venues such as:
SALERNO: Complesso monumentale di San Pietro a Corte, Notte Europea dei Musei; Museo Diocesano del Duomo di Salerno; Museo Virtuale della Scuola Medica Salernitana; Università degli Studi di Salerno; Fondazione Filiberto Menna; Palazzo Genovese;
SALERNO, PADULA: Complesso monumentale della Certosa di San Lorenzo;
NAPOLI: Città della Scienza;
NAPOLI, CASORIA: CCAM, Casoria Contemporary Art Museum;
ROMA: Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale; MAXXI, Museo nazionale delle arti del XXI secolo;
FIRENZE: Università degli Studi di Firenze;
LUCCA, VIAREGGIO: Centro Congressi Principe di Piemonte;
VENEZIA: 71a Mostra del Cinema;
VIENNA: DORF TV GmbH, network televisivo nazionale, canale arte;
BRUXELLES: Direzione Generale Commercio Estero, Unione Europea, Lettera22 Associazione Culturale Europea;
DIJON: ABC - Association Bourguignonne Culturelle;
COLONIA: NewMediaFest;
NEW YORK: NYC Times Square, Broadway, The Billboard Premiere;
ROSARIO: 3rd Digital Art Festival.
More details are available on the website in the Biography section.