Refugees Welcome
This work is for refugees, for their stories, for their rights. It is dedicated to all the people who must leave their home country and have to rebuild their lives elsewhere.
Italian artist and director LIUBA invited Refugees people in Berlin to come to an Art Space for welcoming them and for performing 12 minutes of silence together with the people attending to the gallery opening.
To achieve this goal, apparently easy, the artist had to work hard in contacting the refugees, hearing their stories, building relationships in order to invite them to come to the gallery. The performance is only like the ‘iceberg point’ of a long and deep relational process.
The video is built only with live shooting taken during the performance and with video and sound recordings taken by the artist while getting in contact with refugees.
the key words of this work are acceptance, dignity and equality of all human beings.
LIUBADirectorperformance artist and videoartist
Zachary KerschbergProducer
Dominique RosalesProducer
Refugees people living in BerlinKey Cast
Leonardo d'Antonicamera
Sergi Sanchezcamera
Valquire Veljkoviccamera
Sergi Sanchezediting
Project Type:Experimental
Runtime:17 minutes 15 seconds
Completion Date:September 5, 2016
Production Budget:3,000 USD
Country of Origin:Germany
Country of Filming:Germany
Shooting Format:Digital
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
Image MovementBerlin
January 19, 2016
World Premiere
Solo show videoscreening -
Arte FieraBologna
January 28, 2016
Italian Premiere -
Black International Cinema FestivalBerlin
May 14, 2016
Best Film/Video at the Fine Arts Disciplines -
Performing Art 3DaysCapraia Fiorentina (Firenze)
June 25, 2016 -
Equality FestivalKiev
December 9, 2016 -
December 16, 2016 -
Around International Film FestivalBerlin
December 17, 2016
ARFF Globe Award
Distribution Information
LIUBA.NETCountry: ItalyRights: All Rights
LIUBA (1970) is a videoartist, performance artist and site-specific projects artist living between Berlin Milan and Rimini. Her work with performance, anthropology, technology and interactions has been presented in many exhibitions, screenings and performances internationally, including Venice Biennial, The Armory Show, PAC Milan, Art Basel, Scope London, Image Movement Berlin. Her work has been reviewed by Artnet Magazine, Flash Art International Magazine, IkonoTV, Artribune and others. She currently works in collaboration with anthropologists and sociologists to develop site specific projects and participative collective performances that then become videoart works and films.
2000 Master in Animation and Film, Bologna Cineteque
1996 MFA Semiotics of Art (cum laude), Bologna University (I)
1994 BA Fine Arts, Fine Arts Academy, Bologna
2016 Performing Art 3Days, curated by Giacomo Verde, Fornace Pascucci, Capraia Fiorentina (FI)
2016 Berlin Black International Cinema festival, Haus der Demokratie und Menschenrechte, Berlin (D)
2016 Arte Fiera, presented by MLB Home Gallery, Bologna (I)
2016 LIUBA, video-works from performance, ImageMovement, solo show videoscreening, Berlin (D)
2015 Centrale Fotografia, In Italia, curated by Luca Panaro, Fano (I)
2014 Funf Seen Film Festival, Seefeld, Starnberg, Herrsching (Munich)
2013 The Museum of Ethnography of Serbia, Belgrad (SRB)
2013 Flash Art Event, presented by Visualcontainer, Milan (I)
2012 Fotofever, Brussels, presented by Visualcontainer, Brussels (B)
2011 Art Verona, curated by Cecilia Freschini, Verona (I)
2011 3rd Ward, live video presentation, Brooklyn, NY (US)
2011 Ex Convento dei Minimi, video screening curated by Stefano Taccone, Roccella Jonica, RC (I)
2011 Circolo Arci Bellezza, video screening curated by Stefano Taccone, Milan (I)
2010 Art Paris & Guests, Grand Palais, Paris (F)
2010 I-Suite Hotel, live video presentation, Rimini (I)
2010 Fine Arts Academy, workshop and live video presentation, L’Aquila (I)
2009 Artissima, videoscreening ‘The Finger and the Moon #2’, Torino (I)
2009 Videoformes, video festival, Clermond Ferrand (F)
2007 Artefiera, Galleria Sei, Bologna (I)
2007 Videoformes, video festival, Clermond Ferrand (F)
2007 Art Brussel, Galleria Prometeo, Brussel (B)
2007 Festival di CuprArte Cupramontana, (I)
2007 Cinema - Scope New York, PAM Perpetual Art Machine, New York (US)
2006 Scope New York, PAM Perpetual Art Machine, New York (US)
2006 Scope Hamptons, Cinema Scope Perpetual Machine, Hamptons, (NY)
2005 Scope Miami, WeissPollack Galleries and Galerie Parisud, Miami (US)
2005 ScopeHamptons, WeissPollack Gallery, South Hampton, (US)
2005 Sofa Fair, WeissPollack Gallery, New York (US)
2005 ScopeLondon, featured artist for WeissPollack Galleries, London (UK)
2005 Videoformes, videoart festival, Clermont Ferrand, (F)
2005 Flash Art Fair, Milan (I)
2005 Flash Art Show, Bologna (I)
2004 Videoformes, videoart festival, Clermond Ferrand (F)
2016: Arte Fiera, With No Time, participative performance and show, Bologna
2015 12th International Performance Art Festival, With No Time, participative performance, Monza (I)
2015: Arte Fiera Bologna, Questa non è una performance, Bologna (I)
2015: Centrale Fotografia, In Italia, The Slowly Project, curated by Luca Panaro, Fano (I)
2014: Oranienplatz, YOU’RE OUT, collective performance, Berlin (I)
2014: Kreuzberg pavillion, Refugees Welcome, Berlin (D)
2013: Kreuzberg Pavillon, site specific and collective performance, Berlin (D)
2013: Flash Art Event, solo show and collective performance, Milan (I)
2012 S. Agostino Museum, The Finger and the Moon #3 collective performance, Genoa (I)
2012 Grace Exhibition Space, The Food Project. Performance 1, Brooklyn (US)
2012 Corpi Scomodi, The Slowly Project. Group Performance #1, group performance +workshop, Cantu (CO)
2011 YES FOUNDATION STICHTING JA, Skype performance live c/o, Den Bosch, (NL)
2011 54 Venice Biennial, Senza parole performance, Venice (I)
2011 Art Basel Miami Beach, The invisible web of the art system, Miami (US)
2011 BLO Atelier, Hunger International Performance Festival, Berlin (D)
2011 Bremer Kunstfrühling, Jericho in Bremen, at Performance Festival, Bremen (D)
2011 NABA for MIArt, The invisible web of italian art system, Milan (I)
2011 Grace Exhibition Space, Site Fest ‘11, Unreal Exit, performance, Brooklyn, NY (US)
2011 5th Global Day of Slow Living, The Slowly Project.Take your Time, performance, NY (US)
2010 Artefiera, Artist for sale, performance, Bologna (I)
2010 Artissima, Untitled2010, performance,Turin (I)
2010 Spazio Thetis, performance, Venezia (I)
2009 Saint Peter’s Square, Vatican City, The Finger and the Moon #2 performance and live streaming
2009 Betta Frigieri Arte Contemporanea, solo show, Modena (I)
2009 Séquence, video show, Chicoutimi, Québec (CA)
2009 Galerie Pascal Vanhoecke, video show, Paris (F)
2007 PAC Padiglione d'arte contemporanea, performance, Milan (I)
2007 52 Venice Biennal, The Finger and the Moon #1, performance, Venice (I)
2007 City center The Slowly Project – Take your time, performance, Modena (I)
2006 WeissPollack Galleries, solo show, New York (US)
2006 The Armory Show, I love to see the Armory, performance, New York (US)
2005 Spazio Ilop, solo show, Milan (I)
2005 City center The Slowly Project– Take your time, performance, NYC (US)
2005 Galerie Parisud, Les Amantes, performance, Paris (F)
2005 51 Venice Biennal, Side by side, performance, Venice (I)
2004 Art Basel, Art is long, Time is short, performance, Basel (CH)
2004 Villa Manin, Every-Body, performance, Codroipo (I),
2004 Milan Flash Art Fair, videoinstallation and performance, Hotel Una Tocq, Milan (I)
2004 Artefiera, Virus, performance, Bologna (I)
2003 Placentia Arte, solo show, Piacenza (I)
2003 Galleria Alidoro, solo show, Pesaro (I)
2003 50 Venice Biennial, Il cieco di Gerico, performance,Venice (I)
2002 Fine Arts Academy, AlphaOmega, performance, Bologna (I)
2002 Expo c/o Villa Serena,performance and video, Bologna (I)
2001 Salara, Polypolis, solo show videoinstallation, Bologna (I)
2001 Palazzo Marini, solo show, Rosignano Marittimo (I)
2000 City center of Brussels (B), Avignon (F), Prague (CK), Bologna (I), Polypolis, performances in the European Cultural Capitals 2000 and streaming internet
2000 Artissima Art Fair, S-catenarsi, performance, Torino (I)
2000 Fiorile Arte, solo show, Bologna (I)
2000 Zoom c/o Villa Serena, solo show, Bologna (I)
1999 Galleria Avida Dollars, solo show, Milan (I)
1999 C.R.T. PoetAzione, Una mummia per la città, performance, Milano
1998 First Performance International Festival, performance, Viadana (I)
1997 Il campo delle fragole, Bologna (I)
1996 Teatro Dehon, Blossom, solo show and performance, Bologna (I)
1996 Teatro Out/Off, Blossom, solo show and performance, Milan (I)
1995 Centro città, Installazione pubblica, Asti (I)
1995 Perfomedia, Ponte Nossa (BG) (I)
1994 Portico di S.Luca, performance, Bologna
1993 Centro d’Arte Masaorita, La Margherita dai petali colorati, performance, Bologna
1993 Villa delle Rose, Installazione nel Parco Pubblico, Bologna (I)
2016 Keep the process warm, curated by Marc Giloux, Montauban (F)
2016 Il tutto è più della somma delle sue parti, curated by Galleria Marconi and Maria Letizia Paiato, Pala Riviera, San Benedetto del Tronto, AP (I)
2016 Io vedo, io guardo, curated by Annalisa Cattani, Careof, Milano (I)
2015 Centrale Fotografia, In Italia, curated by Luca Panaro, Sala Polivalente Comunale, Fano (I)
2013 Double Room, Trieste (I)
2012 Crane Art Center, International Short Film Festival, Philadelphia, PA (US)
2012 Galleria Parmeggiani Dalla parte delle Donne, Reggio Emilia (I)
2012 Italian Pavillion, Venice Biennial, Sala Nervi, Turin (I)
2011 “The Mystical self”, curated by Cecilia Freschini, Art Verona and Civic Public Library, Verona (I);
2011 (.Box) Videart Project Space, Milan (I)
2011 “ Flashforward 3” (.Box) Videart Project Space, Milan (I)
2011 WonderArt, MLAC, Rome (I)
2011 Video lounge at Bremer Kunstfrühling, curated by Kunstlerinnenverband, Bremen (D)
2011 Gallery Project, Ann Arbor, MI (US)
2011 3rd Ward, Brooklyn, NY (US)
2011 King’s County, Brooklyn (US)
2010 S. Agostino Museum, Genova (I)
2010 Ex Aurum, Pescara (I)
2009 Straff Hotel, event for Enjoy Miart and Fuori Salone del Mobile, Milan (I)
2008 Placentia Arte, Piacenza (I)
2007 BAC '07, CCCB, Centre de Cultura Contempooranea, Barcelona (E)
2007 Primo Piano LivinGallery "Story Tellers" II International Videoart Show, Lecce (I)
2007 Concepto Varteum, Puebla, Mexico
2007 Galerie Pascal Vanhoecke, Parigi (F)
2007 Chelsea Art Museum, [PAM] Installation, New York (US)
2006 Isola Tiberina, Video Island, Rome (I)
2006 Fitzcarraldo, I video Virus di Liuba, Milan (I)
2006 Primo Piano LivinGallery,Fiori di Loto, Vizi e Virtù, Lecce (I)
2005 La Sapienza University, Arte per tutti, Roma, (I)
2005 Villa Serena, Synapser#4, Conflitto e conflitti a Villa (poco) Serena, Bologna (I)
2004 Civic War Museum, Troubled Times, exhibition and performance, Trieste (I)
2003 Ex Ospedale Soave, Controlled revolution, Codogno (I)
2002 ArtandGallery, Milan (I)
2002 Chiesa e Castello di Andora, "IX Contemporary Art Biennial", Savona (I)
2002 Sala Benjamin, Exit 6, Bologna (I)
2001 Castello Visconteo, Arte giovane europea, Pavia (I)
2000 Villa Serena, Arte Video Tv 2000, Bologna (I)
1996 Castello Pasquini, Castiglioncello (LI) (I)
1996 Art Tunnel, Porlezza (CO) (I),
1996 Percorsi '96, Sant'Anna Arresi (CA) (I)
1995 Galleria Avida Dollars, Milan (I)
1994 Galleria Avida Dollars, Milan (I)
1993 Spazio arti visive F.lli Rosselli, Bologna (I)
2016 RAI TV, interview to LIUBA by the National TV Rai3 ';
2016, Berlin Black International Cinema festival ,interview to LIUBA about refugee project during the festival
2015 Videointerview to LIUBA by Luca Panaro, Centrale Fotografia
2013 THE COLLEGIUM Forum & Television Program (Berlin), tv interview and videoscreening
2013 video interview by Egle Prati
2011 IkonoTV (Berlin)
2010 Liuba, interview by L. Barillaro for
2008, interview with the artist Liuba
2006 Artè TV, performance at Galerie Parisud, Paris
2005 RAI3, Passepartout
2004 RAI2, TV News
2001 ART TV, Matchmusic Satellite TV
2000 TeleNovara, Talk Show
I am a performance and video artist living and working between New York, Berlin, Milan, and I use different media for my work.
My art work is concerned with social, anthropological, geographical, philosophical issues, human behavior, interactivity and chance. My research is based on the analysis of contemporary society, investigating contradictions and social problems of daily life, always trying to maintain a sincere and ironic approach.
My work is composed of projects that involve several processes and in which are implemented diverse skills and media; 1) Concept, 2) Research, 3) Preparation for the performance (outfit and object research, urban research and location choice, selection of technical staff, psycho-physical training 4) the performance itself, 5) editing and direction of the video.
My interest is primarily in open-structure and interactive performance art pieces made into everyday public life and in projects with the participation of people to the performance.
The video is the necessary consequence of the interactive performance process and it is an autonomous artistic work. In the video I develop and arrange the outcomes of the live performance art piece, mixing the performance conceptual qualities, people’s reactions, space and place identities and, last but not least, chance. All what you see in my videos is truly happened and actions of people are all spontaneous. I don’t use prearranged sets nor actors.
I am interested in art going into life. My main interest is life.