Soulutions is a Library of Gestures, through many nomadic performances with large amounts of participants. Each performance is a chapter, each gesture is a volume, these moments are potions to heal distance for the participants and the audience. With the collaboration of filmmakers and photographers we are creating an encyclopedic collection of books to tell the story of the Performances and their remains.
The film SII.s2 is a performative action, filmed without any preparation, Tory Dahlhoff and Skyler J. Edwards received the instructions for this experience at the same time as the participants.
In the US paperback books are sold outside of traditional distribution channels, gas stations, pharmacies ...
They are often offered or sold in thrift stores for pennies after being read. Most are stories of light literature, they were forgotten or given away for decades. Their pages are yellowed by time, giving the books an almost historical value.
This is the second session realized in the city of Peoria Illinois.
Sitting in silence, participants tell the story of these books with a simple gesture. They awaken the curiosity of the audience by the uniqueness of their gesture and density of the sound they produce. The books are transformed little by little into piles placed on the floor. The concentration of the performers and their gesture is an offering.
Natalia VillanuevaDirector
Project Type:Documentary, Experimental, Other
Runtime:10 minutes 45 seconds
Completion Date:November 17, 2014
Country of Origin:United States
Country of Filming:United States
Shooting Format:Digital
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
French Peruvian Artist. She studied at L'Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux Arts de Paris in the atelier of the artist Giuseppe Penone. Natalia graduated with highest honors and participated in two major exhibitions of the Palais des Beaux Arts in Paris. She won an international exchange award scholarship for the School of the Arts institute of Chicago. She has exhibited in Los Angeles, Paris, Lima, Chicago, Madrid. Her work is represented by the gallery Dohyang Lee.
My creativity distills a duality within my approach to materials, colors, and space. I create moments, protective experiences with metaphoric and symbolic identities. I am amazed by the mass production of objects and our abusive way to use natural resources. This is translated in my work through large amounts of simple, repetitive gestures and the necessity to create structures with a multitude of objects ready to be processed, each object longing to be transmitted. I work to share the size of their beauty.