Red symphony
Victor is a conductor who is able to see colours in sounds and falls in love with a woman who has an autistic son who has never spoken, so he becomes obsessed with creating a symphony to communicate with the child through the colours of music.
Natalia ArmientaWriterSiete años de matrimonio, mesusa
Project Title (Original Language):Sinfonía en rojo
Project Type:Screenplay
Number of Pages:91
Country of Origin:Mexico
First-time Screenwriter:No
Student Project:No
Oaxaca Film Fest / Global Script Challenge
Oaxaca Film Fest / Nominee Best Screeplay Made in México
Degree in communication (ITESO -UIA), Masters in film at the University Abat Oliba CEU in Barcelona, Spain. She has over 20 years experience as a director and screenwriter, worked for broadcasters and companies like Discovery Channel, Argos, Endemol, BBC, Antena 3.
Won an honorable mention in the 2nd national screenwriting contest "short film" 2002.
Screenwriter of the romantic comedy "Seven years of marriage." Writer of "The permanence of the Vampire" film book.
Her debut documentary "Sands of freedom" was awarded the Award Moses Huentelaf at the Film Festival Indigenous Peoples Valparaiso, Chile and won the special jury prize at the 7th International Digital Film Festival of Vina del Mar,
Earn the scholarship for "Guilty of Innocence" awarded at the 5th Festival of Social Cinema and Human Rights of Valparaiso, Chile, 2011. She join the national program for reading system in 2011 with a dragón tale "Goru el mágico".
Director, Producer, and screenwriter of "Spilling salt" an environmental documentary that have won 18 awards and 97 selections on festivals around the world. Script advisor for "The Rising" a coproduction USA-Irland about the 1916 Estern Rising. She also has published 3 children's books in Mexico and Spain.
The autism spectrum is a condition that affects more and more people. New research suggests that communication between synesthesia and autism is possible. The world needs other ways of communication to help us raise awareness and experience horizons beyond what our senses tell us. Where the feeling gets adventures, is where life begins.