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Miami Our City

Miami Our City is a film that examines the influences and impact that the Latino community has had upon the development and growth of Miami, Florida. As the film delves into the lives of some of Miami's most influential Latino residents, their determination to progress and drive to achieve tells an incredibly powerful story.

The Story begins with a history of Miami in the late 70's and early 80's, a time during which an influx of hispanic immigrants arrived in the city, contributing to both the Miami cocaine epidemic and the birth of the "New Miami".

Yet Miami cannot be solely defined by its past; Today, the city is a place rich in culture and teemin with the aspirations of the many latino immigrants who now call the city home. These immigrants came to Miami in seach of a better life, trading the familiar for the opportunity to become something. They are now company presidents and CEO's, enterpreneurs and U.S. Senators. Yet Miami our city reminds one that each story of success is also a story of struggle.

Miami Our City. is told through the stories of those who have lived and lost and fought to find success in a place that many have dubbed "The Magic City" - A place that has had as much influence on its people as its people have had on it.

  • Jose Navas
  • Jose Navas
  • Jose Navas
  • Jorge Navas
  • Project Type:
  • Runtime:
    1 hour 12 minutes
  • Completion Date:
    May 25, 2016
  • Production Budget:
    5,000 USD
  • Country of Origin:
    United States
  • Country of Filming:
    United States
  • Shooting Format:
  • Aspect Ratio:
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
Director Biography - Jose Navas

I was born in the Central American country of Nicaragua and came to Miami when I was just 2 years old. Ever since I can remember film has always been a passion and love for me. I initially wanted to be an actor but after taking a role in my high school's PSA, it became evident that acting was not my strong point. But I quickly realized that my love was directed towards the production of films and directing movies. I went to a High School in Miami called Barbara Goleman and attended their distinguished TV production program. One of the highest points in my life was being able to be the first news director in my schools history to broadcast the school newscast live. I feel it was a great accomplishment because it gave my peers the confidence to take risks in what they believed could be possible.
I attended the Miami International University of Arts and Design in Downtown Miami studied Film. I graduated with a Bachelors Degree in Film. I decided not to do the norm and work for TV studios or company but rather started my own production company called FlickHouse Studios.
I knew taking this route would not be easy but hard work, determination and innovation always pay off. I've directed over 60 music videos, 20 commercials and directed a feature length documentary that will be featured on Netflix and Hulu. The same drive and determination that my parents exhibited as I was growing up is that same drive I apply to my career as a visual artist, always learning and driving to push myself as a creator.

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Director Statement

Being a director is like being a composer. You bring many people together in one euphoric symphony.