“SCOTOMA”, or partial blindness, is the story of two brothers. We’re in a bar: “A” is reading something written by “B” when he sees a girl and falls in love at first sight, but she soon disappears. Few days later, “B” calls “A” telling him that the same girl attends the course in which he participates and “A” encourages “B” to get to know the girl on his behalf. The young girl’s name is Maria. Between “B” and Maria begins a romance that “B” can’t confess to his brother. We get to the point of no return when Maria gets pregnant, then “B” asks his brother an appointment at their “usual place” to tell him the whole story, but “A” gets hit by a car and dies. We come back to the bar of the first scene: “A” is still reading “B” ’s story, but finally the initial misunderstanding is revealed to the audience. The girl whom “A” falls in love with, was not the same girl that “B” thought to have seen. She was not Maria.
Gipo FasanoDirectorThe Eumenides
Gipo FasanoWriterThe Eumenides
Giorgio GucciProducerThe Eumenides
Stefano Vona BianchiniKey Cast
Giulio Forges DavanzatiKey Cast
Project Type:Short
Runtime:10 minutes
Completion Date:May 31, 2016
Production Budget:8,000 EUR
Country of Origin:Italy
Country of Filming:Italy
Shooting Format:Digital
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:No
Glocal Film Festival 2017Turin
March 9, 2017
Italian Premiere
Best Screenplay -
Cortinametraggio 2017Cortina
March 24, 2017
Italian Premiere
Luxury Award
Gipo Fasano (Rome, 29/01/93). After graduating high school in New York, he returned to Italy to study architecture at La Sapienza University. While in Rome, he began his path into cinema: he attended screenwriting workshops and worked as a camera operator for TV. After having produced his first short works in cinema, television, and theater, he moved to Turin to study storytelling at Scuola Holden. Currently, he’s post-producing his first feature film “The Eumenides” back in Rome.
The project is the attempt to narrate a particular point of view, the reason why two persons see two different details within the same room.
However, there wasn’t the intention to dig through past, present or future of the characters in order to explain the misunderstanding; the two brothers have got no names, they are regular persons and they make choices as a matter of that. Common men reacting to common events. They don’t have any characterization or meaningful inclination, they might be two faces of the same person.
Given these reasons, in every shoots there was an insane research for “parity” which was able to define images reflecting a constant symmetry between the two brothers; symmetry that would only stop through the death of one of them.
Like the two brothers, the two different love stories follow a symmetrical path as well; on one side a love infatuation that only lives in the head of his lover, who feeds himself up with imagination and false updates, on the other side, a carnal love locked up in adultery, not with a wife but against a brother. The colors played a major role in order to emphasize this concept. Not only the sanctity of the white color, which goes along with the female main character for the entire plot, a sort of holy appearance, but even the neutral colors used to surround the two brothers. The chromatic effect of the short film wants to walk in balance between real and plausible, on a thin line that represents the permanent bond between reality and fiction, and their short-circuit.
Even sounds are in balance for all the time, they are conceptually isolated, deprived of any additional musical instruments that might get the audience lost in other meanings. Like the brothers and their love stories, they are closed in between fantasy and betrayal, to only round up together when the emotions melt with each other.