Script File

Breakaway Heart

From 75-96 more than a million people fled Vietnam in search of a better life. Thirty percent lost their lives at sea or in camps. This is the story of one person's struggle of survival, redemption and retribution. “Breakaway Heart” follows young My Le Nguyen as she makes multiple attempts to escape Vietnam (barely) and embark on a lifelong journey to find her father after the fall of Saigon. Like many others, she is faced with being caught, put in work camps, and making multiple attempts to board a directionless junk—a vessel that is boarded multiple times by Thai pirates for the sole purpose of rape, theft and torture…and that’s only the beginning. She’ll need to utilize her survival instincts to push on and help others along the way. The refugee camps are no picnic either, but her determination to find her father fuels her ambition during seemingly impossible times. It is only years later in the States that she is reunited with her father, but it is not her doing. It is the loving gesture of a child she had rescued along the way and raised as her own.

  • Gary A Piazza
    Dig Me No Grave
  • Project Type:
  • Genres:
    Historical Drama
  • Number of Pages:
  • Country of Origin:
    United States
  • Language:
  • First-time Screenwriter:
  • Student Project:
  • The Writeroom Screenplay Competition

    December 1, 2015
  • L.A. International Screenplay Competition
    Los Angeles, CA
    July 14, 2016
    Best Script
Writer Biography - Gary A Piazza

I have been either behind the pen or behind the camera for over 30 years. I am a documentary film maker, photographer, screenwriter. I graduated from the Hollywood Scriptwriting Institute in the early 90's and have been writing on and off ever since. I'm between agents right now. My last agent shut her doors and decided to pursue other other interests. I have 6 full length feature screenplays I'm shopping around and I have coverage from one of them from Universal Studios with a recommended stamp.

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