Private Project

We have on this earth

The film talk about the war in middle east, how the people live there and try to find something make them happy during the war.

  • Suleiman Tashman
  • Project Type:
    Documentary, Experimental
  • Runtime:
    4 minutes 22 seconds
  • Completion Date:
    January 22, 2016
  • Country of Origin:
    United States
  • Country of Filming:
    Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Syrian Arab Republic
  • Language:
  • Shooting Format:
  • Aspect Ratio:
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
  • Academy of Art University Media Awards
    United States
    May 13, 2016
    nominated for best Experimental documentary
Director Biography - Suleiman Tashman

Personal Information
Name: Suleiman Fareed Tashman
Date of Birth: July 5- 1985
Nationality: I’m American citizen
Address: 841- Olive Ave, Apt 7 South San Francisco, CA. 94080 USA
Tel: 415-690-5340

Educational Background
_Graduate education MFA Motion Pictures & Television, Directing in Academy of Art University San Francisco/ CA, USA 2016
_ Bachelor degree in Graphic Design from Philadelphia University/Jordan 2009
_ General secondary educational certificate on 2004/Jordan
_ ESOL English class in skyline college/ CA, USA 2010-2012
_Art class Portrait Drawing l, Portrait Drawing ll, Watercolor l in skyline college CA, USA 2010-2012

Skills and Qualifications
_ Computer Skills: 1. Adobe Illustrator 2.Adobe Photoshop 3.Adobe Premiere 4.Final Cut Pro 5.Avid Media Composer
_ Illustrator Course, Geneva Academy/ June-2007
_ Adobe flash course level one, the Cultural Academy Center of professional consultants/ June–2008

- (We Have On This Earth) Experimental Documentary Film winning two awards fourth place & Audience award, in Academy of Art Experimental Film Festival/December 2015
- (We Have On This Earth) Experimental Documentary Film nominated in Media Awards/ May 2016

_ Participation in Experimental Motional Theater with the Director Mohammad Bani Hani
1. Brutal Symphony (technician) 2006
2. Meal Under Water (technician) 2006
3. Black Hole (technician) 2007
4. Confusing Travel (actress) 2007
5. As Someone Crying Death Creates Forms of Life (actress) 2008
6. Chained Dreams (actress) 2008

_ Shared Photographic Gallery With The Artist Mohammad Abed AL-baset From Egypt, Under The Title (Music Of Light) It Was In The Twelfth International Conference For Hate and Love Culture On 2007

_ Participation in gallery in Jordanian Cultural Festival of Youth On 2002
_ Participation in many galleries in Jordanian Universities from 2004-2008
_ Participation in printmaking work shop in Muhtaraf Al-remal with the Artist Mohammad Abu Zreak Was In, Amman-Alweibdeh-2006
_First personal gallery was in Philadelphia University, Under The Title (Heart Becomes Rock) On 2006
_Winning the third place in Petra Gallery at Philadelphia University On 2008
_Participation in Skyline College Gallery, South San Francisco, CA USA in May 2011 with two-piece of Graphic Arts
_ Participation in Skyline College Gallery, South San Francisco, CA USA in May 2012 with one-piece of Printmaking Calligraphy

Add Director Biography
Director Statement

For every goal in this life there is always a point to reach to, beyond that point is a reality that has been set to achieve in life, each goal begins with a dream then becomes reality for those
who follow their personal legend, this personal legend will not be achieved unless you follow it, but firstly you have to search for this legend and it may take months, maybe years to really figure it out. I always dreamed of a world that I would live in deeply with complete freedom by meeting my other self.

My intentions in art, painting, drawing, printmaking, photography, and short film will develop my skills and help me to explore more about this world. There are so many hidden secrets in this life that you can discover with art and it makes you appreciate more what your eyes have not usually appreciated before. It’s all about living each moment of one’s life as if it is
valuable. With this kind of art you can record those precious moments and feelings to be remembered. It brings a smile upon you when going back to those artworks you made before, and as it is known pictures will describe a thousand more than what words would describe.

My academic experience is in graphic design. I earned a bachelor’s degree at Philadelphia University back in Jordan. During my studying at college I had the chance to develop my drawing, painting, graphic design, photography and printmaking skills.

I always felt that I lived the art. Art has a big place in my life. Everywhere I go I think about art: at home, work, school. Each artwork I do is part of me and anyone can see my personality in my artworks. The designs I make, drawings I do, or even acting on stage all show me. It reflects my thinking, opinions; it’s all about diving deep in art and feeling the moment and being part of it. I build my art by making connections to people in the outside world and that helps me to see what is out there so I may express my emotions in my art. When working with photography, including the pictures I take, I feel alive. This feeling is what keeps me going.
With art it’s something from the inside and sometimes hard to explain, but it makes me happy and puts a smile on my face when I’m taking a photo or doing a piece of art. With each work of art
you have to touch the untouchable. For every work of art you have to start your imagination by building a picture in your mind. The moment a work of art comes out to reality it becomes bigger
by combining different styles of art.

On the stage of theater there’s a spacious environment at which you can bring out what’s in you; emotions, hand signs, facial expressions, and body language are the strongest art forms
that allow me to express myself as well as my art in an easy, understandable pattern. Through an interesting journey with the human face that has been discontinued till now, I found myself
coming back to the square of abstraction that I belong to as a painter, holding all of the anguish of painting and color playing, giving my shapes a rough surface that keeps me in touch with my
beloved faces. It is a journey that beholds me with no previous classification or particular style for a long time. It overwhelms my heart with joy, the joy of painting.