An unseen protagonist is drawn to an enigmatic searchlight piercing the darkness in a lonely vigil for lost souls at sea.
Neil KendricksDirector"Sigh," "Loop," "Breathing Space," "Cipher," "Memory Lines"
Neil KendricksWriter"Sigh," "Loop," "Breathing Space," "Cipher," "Memory Lines"
Neil KendricksProducer"Sigh," "Loop," "Breathing Space," "Cipher," "Memory Lines"
Carlos PelayoEditor"The Colonel", "Daydream Hotel"
Project Type:Experimental, Short
Genres:Experimental, Fantasy, Surrealism, Abstract
Runtime:2 minutes 34 seconds
Completion Date:November 14, 2015
Production Budget:500 USD
Country of Origin:United States
Country of Filming:United States
Shooting Format:Digital
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
Ship in the Woods' exhibition "Convergence" at Cabrillo National MonumentSan Diego
United States
November 14, 2015
San Diego premiere -
Experimental Superstars Film Festival, August 20-21, 2016Brod Theater
August 20, 2016 -
Tochka Dostupa Contemporary Arts FestivalSt. Petersburg
Russian Federation
July 28, 2016 -
Staunton International Film FestivalStaunton, Virginia
United States -
2016 Buskopolis Festival of Cinematic OdditiesHuntingdon, PA
United States
September 23, 2016 -
The POV International Short Film FestivalBerlin
December 10, 2016 -
London Experimental Film FestivalLondon, UK
United Kingdom
October 17, 2016 -
Parachute Light Zero FestivalParis
April 21, 2017
French Premiere -
San Diego Underground Film FestivalSan Diego
United States
August 24, 2017 -
September 15, 2017
Austrian Premiere -
November 11, 2017 -
North By Midwest Micro-Budget Film FestivalKalamazoo
United States
March 17, 2018 -
"Mirror, Mirror: Lights, Camera, Dreams" Short-Film Exhibition at Bread and Salt Gallery, May 8 -June 26, 2021San Diego
United States
May 8, 2021
"Mirror, Mirror: Lights, Camera, Dreams" Short-Film Exhibition Runs May 8 to June 26, 2021
Distribution Information
Neil Kendricks
Neil Kendricks, Writer-Director-Cinematographer-Producer
Neil Kendricks is a filmmaker, artist, photographer, writer, educator and the Film Curator of the Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego (MCASD). Kendricks earned a Master’s degree in Television, Film and New Media from San Diego State University in 2006. His award-winning short films like 2002's "Loop" have screened at numerous international film festivals including the Palm Springs International Festival of Short Films, the Comic-Con International Independent Film Festival, the 2002 Havana Film Festival, and a special short-film screening at the 2003 Cannes Film Festival’s American Pavilion.
Kendricks' photography has also been exhibited at the San Diego Museum of Art, the African-American Museum of Fine Arts, London's Royal College of Art, and many other venues. His first solo photography exhibition, "Bruised Eye Candy" was shown at San Diego’s now-defunct Spacecraft gallery in February 2008. Kendricks also produced, production designed and storyboarded media theorist Jordan Crandall’s film, "Heatseeking," which was shown at inSITE 2000 and exhibited in the Whitney Museum of American Art’s "BitStream" exhibition, the first digital-arts exhibition shown at a major American art museum.
Kendricks’ 2008 short, "Beholder" (co-directed with artist Jim Cavolt) screened at the 2009 San Diego Latino Film Festival and the Athens International Film & Video Festival. Kendricks is currently in production on the documentary-in-progress "Comics Are Everywhere!" and he was among the curators of 2014’s inaugural Filmatic Festival. An early version of Kendricks' new, experimental short film "Memory Lines" was originally commissioned as an outdoor video installation for the 2015 Filmatic Festival at the University of California, San Diego. In 2015, Kendricks collaborated with filmmaker and editor Carlos Pelayo on the experimental video "Wounded Sky," which premiered as a video installation at San Diego's Not an Exit gallery. Their collaboration was featured in San Diego CityBeat:'wounded-sky'-at-not-an-exit-gallery.html
“Suspension” is a short film in Kendricks’ ongoing collaboration with Pelayo on a series of video-artworks titled “Elemental Magic.”
Kendricks’ select photography, drawings, and short films can be viewed on his Web site:
Through a menagerie of still and moving images, Neil Kendricks explores the frontier where private and public memories collide with moments of spontaneous human interactions. Using Holga medium-format and pinhole cameras to high-definition video cameras, the interdisciplinary artist courts the “happy accident” as a modus operandi.
Kendricks's repertoire of single-channel video installation artworks is designed to envelop the viewer in a sensory bath of enigmatic, moving images and sounds. Through haunting cinematic imagery, the San Diego-based artist’s 2015 single-channel video artworks “Suspension” and “Memory Lines” capture fleeting moments of the sublime channeled through subjective points of view where epiphanies and flashes of self-discovery are experienced in public and private spaces.
Commissioned for the San Diego-based arts organization Ship in the Woods’ exhibition “Convergence,” the shape-shifting images of “Suspension” recreate the ambiguous, free-floating perceptions of an unseen character lost at sea. Photographed by Kendricks and edited by filmmaker Carlos Pelayo, the two-minute-and-34-second, experimental film was projected as an outdoor video-art installation onto Cabrillo National Monument’s famed lighthouse.
Likewise, the phantom-like faces in Kendricks’ piece “Memory Lines” hover and speak in tongues, yearning to connect through a stream-of-consciousness flow of words inspired by appropriated lines of classic movie dialogue rewritten into a new, open-ended narrative. Commissioned by UC San Diego’s ArtPower, ‘Memory Lines” was projected as a video installation at the 2015 Filmatic Festival.