I Believe In Pink
A tattoo artist in Lagos has found his niche tattooing the lips of men pink because they believe it makes them more acceptable to society.
victoria thomasDirectorthe santa trap, ladies who lunch, the brides ball, between rings
Victoria ThomasProducerthe santa trap, ladies who lunch, the brides ball, between rings
victoria thomasWriterthe santa trap, ladies who lunch, the brides ball, between rings
Project Type:Documentary, Short
Runtime:5 minutes 9 seconds
Completion Date:August 1, 2016
Production Budget:2,500 GBP
Country of Origin:United Kingdom
Country of Filming:Nigeria
Shooting Format:Digital
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
BFI Black Star: Beyond NollywoodLondon
United Kingdom
November 20, 2016
World Premiere -
Triforce Shortfilm FeastLondon
United Kingdom
November 20, 2016
Best Non Scripted Film Award -
World Film FestivalTartu
March 27, 2017 -
International Film Festival of RotterdamRotterdam
January 26, 2018
Official Selection -
Ouarzazate international film festivalOuarzazate
September 18, 2017 -
Africa International Film FestivalLagos
October 27, 2017
Distribution Information
The Polkadot FactoryCountry: United KingdomRights: All Rights
Victoria Thomas is a UK based, BAFTA nominated and award winning filmmaker. A graduate of the National Film & Television School and Screen Academy Scotland, she holds an MFA in Film and occasionally lectures at art colleges in creative entrepreneurship.
In life I believe that we are products of our environment so I am always curious about how social conditioning influences our perceptions of self. I Believe In Pink to me is the perfect metaphor for that and speaks on so many levels about the power of our words and how it affects those who hear them, for better or worse.