Script File


After discovering his water has been contaminated, a brilliant but traumatically brain-injured JON HERMAN leads the charge against the corrupt energy company poisoning his community, and finds himself again in the process.

  • Brenda Rezvan
  • Project Type:
  • Number of Pages:
  • Country of Origin:
    United States
  • First-time Screenwriter:
  • Student Project:
  • Virginia Screenplay Competition
    November 21, 2015
Writer Biography - Brenda Rezvan

My writing life began in earnest when we bought a house in the country. I now hear honking geese instead of traffic noise, take leisurely walks to the post office rather than endure parking nightmares, and actually, on occasion, encounter people on a human level.

The UCLA Extension Writers Program gave me my bona fides, and from there I went on to the finals of the Virginia Screenwriting Competition. It's a start!

My story, "CH4," is my pet project, and the one to which I keep returning. I really want it to be seen on the big screen!

Other than "CH4," I have several other screenplays percolating. One is the story of an alcoholic who was sexually abused in childhood. This story has several threads through which the same girl/woman keeps resurfacing, just out of reach.

Another is the story of a corrupt military commander who takes several Virginia Tech alums under his wing in an attempt to further his real goals. Virginia Tech is my undergrad alma mater and I would love to develop a story to be filmed in that idyllic setting (and yes, it is about as nice a campus and town with outstanding, kind people as any student could ask for as an undergrad experience). The tragedies that have occurred there might just have a foreshadowing effect for my story.

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Thanks for any constructive criticism you can offer. I love destroying, killing my darlings, and rebuilding my stories!