Pink Roses for Kathleen
A rock star with breast cancer and a church pastor with
burnout forge an unlikely bond, which starts out in
friendship, but ends up in an fiery passion, which
threatens to destroy their marriages and careers.
Joan Elizabeth BeilsteinWriter
Project Type:Screenplay
Number of Pages:113
Country of Origin:United States
First-time Screenwriter:Yes
Student Project:No
Contributor and Blogger
1994 - Present
The Episcopal Diocese of Washington’s Publications and Social Media Venues.
Chief Editor and Contributor 2010-2011
Four book series “Meditations and Reflections on Transition and Discernment”
Contributor Morehouse Publishing 2009
Lifting Women’s Voices: Prayers to Change the World
Poem - “Soul Soil” - later put to music by artist Ana Hernandez.
The Virginia Theological Seminary Press 2007
Doctor of Ministry Project Thesis
“Sowing the Seeds: Developing Future Leadership during the Interim Time.”
Contributor Morehouse Publishing 2000
Women’s Uncommon Prayers
Prayer and Poem Submissions
“Dancing with Grief” and “A Prayer for Lesbian Clergy”
The General Theological Seminary Press 1993
Recipient - The Church and Society Award
Master’s Thesis – “The Message of Job in the Age of AIDS.”
Poetry Classes
Johns Hopkins University
2012 - 2013
Doctor of Ministry
The Virginia Theological Seminary Awarded 2007
Certificate in Pastoral Psychotherapy
The Center for Pastoral Counseling in VA
Awarded 1998
Masters in Divinity
The General Theological Seminary Awarded 1993
Bachelor of Arts
The University of Maryland, College Park, MD Awarded 1983
Effectively and successfully communicates meaningful, relevant, and powerful messages via the spoken word, written word, and social media. Enjoys and is gifted at using a variety of genres: sermons, reflections, poems, blogs, and is looking to expand her repertoire by including screenplays which will inspire transformative change through stories, images, and sounds that will move the human heart.
To bring to the screen stories with relevance and broad audience appeal that feature strong female leads, who overcome adversity and tragedy, only to find healing, love, and new beginnings.