7 Saints 7 Cities International Short Film is the first mysticism film festival in the world. We are focusing on the tellings,doctrines, wisdom and science of the saints of İslam like Mevlana, Shams-ı Tabrizi, Yunus Emre, Muhyiddin İbn-i Arabi, Ahmet Yesevi, Farabi who are also the representatives of indulgence, justice, conscience, faith and love in Islamic lands.
We make our festival upon two categories in 85 universities in Turkey and abroad. Every year we choose 7 best scenarios for 7 saints which we define as the theme of the festival with an eligible jury and make them short films with a professional team. 7 best scenarios are awarded each. In the short film competetion category we we choose 7 best short films with an academic jury and show them to public in a summer cinema concept. The best 4 films are awarded also.