It is cold and wet. Vincent is on his own now. He is seeking revenge on those who turned his life around, but he has to decide how far he is willing to go.
Petr EreminDirector
Petr EreminWriter
Petr Eremin / FH MainzProducer
David O. RiedelKey Cast
Tobias KarnKey Cast
Alexander BettendorffKey Cast
Maximilian ScholzKey Cast
Project Title (Original Language):Infiziert
Project Type:Short, Student
Genres:Drama, Postapocalyptic
Runtime:8 minutes 5 seconds
Completion Date:March 31, 2016
Production Budget:2,600 EUR
Country of Origin:Russian Federation
Country of Filming:Germany
Shooting Format:Digital HD
Aspect Ratio:2,35:1
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:Yes
Cannes Film Festival // Short Film CornerCannes
May 16, 2016
Coup de Couer -
Werkstatt der jungen FilmszeneWiesbden
May 16, 2016 -
Filmfest WeiterstadtWeiterstadt
August 14, 2016 -
FILMZ: Festival of German CinemaMainz
November 21, 2016 -
San Giò Video FestivalVerona
July 26, 2016
Russian director, born 1986 in Moscow; 1995 moved to Germany; finished Russian (2003) and German (2005) high school; Bachelor of Business Administration, Lüneburg (2009), Bachelor of Arts Time Based Media with focus on motion picture (2013); lecturer at FH Mainz (2013) graduate assistent (2012) in camera, lighting and sound at FH Mainz; freelancer in film and media industry since 2010, editor at dropout films in Mainz 2015.
failure is an option...but fear is not