Invisível (Invisible)
What do you understand by energy and influences? Invisible is a documentary that seeks opinions from a varied source of people and specialists, to comprehend the influences brought to your own life and to others. Thoughts, words, actions shape children who learn from the adults. When we think about the world and the future, first we need to take a look inside, to the present.
O que você entende por energias e influências? O documentário Invisível busca as opiniões de várias pessoas e especialistas, percebendo as influências que cada um traz para sua própria vida e para outros. Pensamentos, palavras, ações, que moldam as crianças que aprendem com esses adultos. Ao pensar no planeta e no futuro, antes temos que olhar para dentro, no presente.
Anna MartiniDirector
Anna MartiniWriter
Anna MartiniProducer
Adriano FrançaDirector Of Photograghy
Caio BrisollaSound
Caio BrisollaProduction
Anna MartiniEditing
Anna MartiniPost-Production
Adriano FrançaCamera
Project Title (Original Language):Invisivel
Project Type:Documentary, Student
Genres:Biography, Family
Runtime:10 minutes
Completion Date:June 10, 2015
Production Budget:50 USD
Country of Origin:Brazil
Country of Filming:Brazil
Shooting Format:Digital
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:Yes
SELECTED - 4° Festival Universitário Tainha Dourada ( Tainha Dourada University Festival) - Itajaí, SC, Brazil. 2015.Itajaí, SC, Brazil.
July 6, 2015
Brazilian Premiere
Selected -
SELECTED - 14° MAUAL Mostra de Audiovisual Universitário América Latina ( Latin América University Audiovisual Exhibition) -Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, Brazil
November 9, 2015
Brazilian Premiere
Selected -
SELECTED - 1ª "All Women in Cinema" Exhibition (1° Mostra “Todas as Mulheres no Cinema”) - Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil. 2016.Porto Algre, RS
February 25, 2016
Brazilian Premiere -
SELECTED - 4ª Rock Grito Sobral Cinema Exhibition (4ª Mostra de Cinema Rock Grito Sobral)- Sobral, CE, Brazil, 2016.Sobral, CE
March 15, 2016
Brazilian Premiere -
SELECTED - 2ª Cine Expurga (Cine Expurga 2016) – Vitória, ES, Brazil. 2016.Vitória, ES
May 3, 2016
Brazilian Premiere -
SELECTED - Prêmio Primeiro Olhar – XVI Encontros de Cinema – Viana do Castelo, Portugal. 2016.Viana do Castelo, Portugual
May 11, 2016
European Premiere -
SELECTED - 4° Mostra de Curtas AraçáSão Mateus, ES
June 24, 2016
Brazilian premiere
SELECTED - II Mostra Curta ParáBelém, PA
July 8, 2016
Brazilian Premiere
With a Bachelor’s degree in Cinema and Audiovisual from Centro Universitário Monte Serrat – UNIMONTE in Santos, SP, Brazil, Anna Martini took a variety of courses in the field. Such experiences have allowed for a more thorough understanding of the filmmaking process, artistically and technically, adding to her love for film.
Introduction to cinema at Academia Internacional de Cinema; Film Finance and Project Development at Escola São Paulo; Complete Digital Cinema course at Reticom Escola de Cinema (now renamed as Latin American Film Institute); Acting Workshops at Instituto Stanislavsky and Final Stage Project; Professional acting and dubbing at Estúdio Digital Belas Artes, all in Brazil.
Graduada em Cinema e Audiovisual pelo Centro Universitário Monte Serrat (UNIMONTE) em Santos, Anna Martini realizou vários cursos na área de cinema. Essas experiências possibilitaram uma compreensão abrangente do processo de realização de filmes, da parte artística à técnica, aliando conhecimento à sua paixão por cinema.
Introdução ao cinema na Academia Internacional de Cinema; Film Finance e Desenvolvimento de Projetos na Escola São Paulo; Curso completo de Cinema Digital na Reticom Escola de Cinema (renomeada Latin American Film Institute); Workshops de atuação no Instituto Stanislavsky e Final Stage Project; Atuação e dublagem profissionalizante no Estúdio Digital Belas Artes.
Director, Producer, Screenwriter and Editor of the short film “Dual X” – 2015
Director, Editor and Post Production of the documentary “Invisível” (Invisible) – 2015
Assistant Director and Editor of the webseries “Leka Contra a Cidade” – 2014/15
Director, Editor and Choreographer of the short film “Acesa a Chama” – 2014
Director and Editor of the short film “A Felicidade Segundo Kathryn Bigelow” – 2014
Producer and Presenter of the show “6 minutos sobre a Índia” – 2014
Producer and Editor of the Unimonte institutional video “CSI Biomedicina”– 2013
Director, Editor and Photographer in the photo-doc “À Procura do Amor na Vila Mathias” – 2012
Assistant Director and Assistant Producer in the short film “Bandidos” – 2010
I was highly influenced by my niece, and how I was, and still am, rethinking the things I did next to her because she would want to do it too. From this I set to interview people about the influence we have on the people around us.
Fui extremamente influenciada pela minha sobrinha, e como eu era, e ainda sou, repensando as coisas que fiz próxima à ela porque ela queria me imitar. A partir dessa premissa, eu entrevistei pessoas sobre a influência que sofremos pelas pessoas a nossa volta.
Santos, SP, Brazil.