Experiencing Interruptions?


Working off her script had never been an issue for Gabby (Danielle Cipriano), the lead actress in her class movie. There had always been a certain comfort in someone else writing her lines for her. But Gabby’s reality starts to unravel when she stumbles upon what seems to be a mysterious screenplay of her and her friends actual lives. When events from this discovery start to come true, Gabby and her small group of friends must make heads or tails of their new reality and ultimately break free from what has been written for them. Will they be able to go ‘off script’ and rewrite their own destiny, or will they be doomed to play out someone else’s idea of a Hollywood happy ending?

  • Michael Greenman
  • Michael Greenman
  • Alexa Metro
  • Brett Boon
  • Cassidy Young
  • Dennis Shteyn
  • Michael Greenman
  • Danielle Cipriano
    Key Cast
  • Gianni Vaughan
    Key Cast
  • Alexa Metro
    Key Cast
  • Dennis Shteyn
    Key Cast
  • Danielle Giordano
    Head Editors
  • Alexa Metro
    Head Editors
  • Rachael Shklyarov
    Head Editors
  • Kaleb Bethune
    Head Editors
  • Harrison Kraft
    Visual Effects Team
  • Gianni Vaughan
    Visual Effects Team
  • Harrison Kraft
    Production Crew
  • Kaleb Bethune
    Production Crew
  • Ashley Gartside
    Production Crew
  • Caroline Oniszk
    Production Crew
  • Rachael Shklyarov
    Production Crew
  • Marc Anthony Minichino
    Production Crew
  • Brett Boon
    Production Crew
  • Dennis Shteyn
    Production Crew
  • Cassidy Young
    Production Crew
  • Danielle Cipriano
    Production Crew
  • Daniella Giordano
    Production Crew
  • Alexa Metro
    Production Crew
  • Project Type:
    Short, Student
  • Genres:
    Dark Comedy, Suspense, Romantic Comedy
  • Runtime:
    33 minutes 3 seconds
  • Completion Date:
    December 9, 2015
  • Production Budget:
    100 USD
  • Country of Origin:
    United States
  • Country of Filming:
    United States
  • Language:
  • Shooting Format:
    Canon EOS Rebel T5i
  • Aspect Ratio:
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
  • Multimedia Night at the Movies
    Denville, NJ
    December 11, 2015
Director Biography - Michael Greenman

Michael Greenman, Multimedia teacher with the Visual & Performing Arts Academy at Morris County School of Technology, teaches courses including film making, photography, graphic design, and animation. Before becoming a teacher, Mr. Greenman worked in the film and television industries as an editor and graphic artist for over ten years. He holds a B.A. in Studio Art from University of Vermont, earned his Masters of Arts in Teaching from Montclair State University, and is certified in Interactive Media.

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Director Statement

AVPA is one of ten publicly supported academic and career academies offered through the Morris County School of Technology. These magnet schools are scholastically challenging ‘schools within a school’ designed to attract students who have similar interests and aspirations; in the case of AVPA, young artists with a passion for dance, multimedia, and drama. All of our students major in either dance or multimedia and take courses in drama and technical theater.

AVPA’s delivery of a rigorous, relevant, career specific and project based curriculum is facilitated by flexible scheduling and teaching partnerships with colleges, universities, guest professionals, and community businesses. Our Academy model emphasizes interdisciplinary connections between the arts and humanities. Our students are also part of a full high school program that offers both regular, honors level, and college credit academics in math, science, and the humanities. Students can study French, Spanish, and Chinese and participate in a wide variety of student activities and sports.

The AVPA training ground is an interdisciplinary theatrical and video production company. Our theater is a workplace where, even before the houselights dim, students learn to run every aspect of production as performers, theater technicians, video documentarians, publicists, box office managers, and house crews. Every aspect of AVPA student filmmaking, from screenwriting to production to digital editing and music and sound scoring involve students in learning workplace skills from experienced industry professionals.

Our academy prepares students for acceptance into postsecondary education, from the most prestigious arts conservatories and four year colleges and universities to the most rigorous technical institutions and training programs.

The advantages afforded by an academy education include advanced programs of study,
teachers who are highly qualified specialists in the field, earned college credits upon graduation, and real world experience gained through internships with business and industry.