Project File
InstantShakuhachi05.mp3 (3.12 MB)Une série de morceaux sous forme de maquettes pour l'instant
Julien BoulierAuthor
Julien BoulierName of Band or Artist
Project Type:Film Score
Completion Date:December 17, 2015
Country of Origin:France
Language:English, French, German
Student Project:No
2nd Place Original Score 32nd Annual Scottsdale Community College Film Festival , Scottsdale Community College’s TCM 217 - Advance Cinematography Class juin 2012 Mon morceau "Arbre entité" primé dans un très court métrage "Gadget" par Lucky Cockroach et AJ Young du 32nd Annual Scottsdale Community College Film Festival , Scottsdale Community College’s TCM 217 - Advance Cinematography Class 2nd Place Original Score with Creative Commons Licence Aj Young :
Oct. 2014 Orlando Urban Film Festival : Best Cinematic Bravery : Scarlet’s Witch / Dir. F.C. Rabbath. with my music among other composers in this F.C. Rabbath film : Valentin Boomes - Julien Boulier - Edward Bradshaw - Jonas Friedman - Ryan Taubert
short film : "Fractured / I (2012) by Terry Sasaki with my tune "Arbre Entité" Fractured complete cast and crew with Julien Boulier muic composer : Awards Terry Sasaki Fractured (2012) short film above 5 min Asianet Film Awards 2012 2nd place Asianet Film Award Best Actor Terry Sasaki Sasaki Studios Asians on Film Honorable Mention Best Cinematography Dae Hoon Kim Sasaki Studios Asians on Film Honorable Mention Australian Movie Convention 2012 Won Improvised Film Festival (Sydney) Best Film Terry Sasaki Sasaki Studios Florida Film Festival 2012 Nominated Grand Jury Award Best Editing Peter Chin Sasaki Studios Treasure Coast International Winner Best Short Film (Terry Sasaki & Peter Chin) by the Improvised Film Festival.Best Editing nomination for Peter Chin by the Treasure Coast International Film Festival.Honorable Mention for Best Actor (Terry Sasaki) and Best Cinematography (Dae Hoon Kim) by the Asians on Film Festival .Official Selection of the BuSho (Budapest Short) FF, Asians on FF, Treasure Coast International FF, Korean American FF New York, Improvised FF, Hyart FF, International FF of Manhattan, London City FF, and Colombia Gorge International FF.Asianet Film Awards 2012
"PsychoSalomè" with my tunes "Dogen Keza" and "Espace libre",(2008), Andrea Rossetti film (Italy), won the video-art section (for work above 30 minutes) at the 5th Grand Prix "The Short Film- Rome International Festival"
My music among other composers in "Scarlet's Witch" film (2014) by F.C. Rabbath 84 min Drama Fantasy Mystery Composers : Valentin Boomes. Julien Boulier. Edward Bradshaw. Jonas Friedman. Ryan Taubert.
My tunes "Mystery Celtes", "Ellipses rives" and "Fusain Immersion" in this documentary film : Best environmental film Reel Paddling Film Festival 2012 Best environmental film Waterwalker Film Festival 2012 Best Short Documentary Toronto Beached Film Festival 2012 Grand Prize Mountain Roots Film Festival 2012 Best Canadian Short Planet In Focus Film Festival 2012 People’s Choice Award Mountain Roots Film Festival 2012 Official Selection Vancouver International Mountain Film Festival 2012 Official Selection Vancouver Festival Of Ocean Films 2012 Official Selection Reframe International Film Festival 2012 Best Experimental Film Oregon Film Festival 2012 The Pipedreams Project Imdb page : The Pipedreams Project Full Cast Imdb page :
My tune "Dogen Keza" in this Keenan Parry animation :
"Cernunnos" from Delphine Persyn with my music won prix du public of 2010 june edition of festival "Les Frontières du Court". Mes musiques dans ce documentaire "Cernunnos" réalisé par Delphine Persyn dans le cadre de son mémoire à l’IFFCAM, l’Institut Francophone de Formation au Cinéma Animalier. (extraits bientôt disponibles sur ce site). Il sera diffusé sur grand écran au Festival du Film Nature et de l’Environnement à Mûrs Erigné près d’Angers. (Ce festival a eu lieu du 16 au 23 octobre 2009). Il a été sélectionné au concours dans la section courts-métrages. Il a été diffusé le samedi 17 octobre 2009 à partir de 18 h 15. "Dans la mythologie celtique, Cernunnos était considéré comme le dieu des cerfs, symbole de la vie, de la mort, seigneur de la forêt et de la Terre. Le film raconte l’histoire de ce personnage incroyable et pourtant méconnu de notre société. Il a vu beaucoup d’événements se dérouler au fil des siècles et a compris le fonctionnement du monde. C’est un bilan, sa vision des choses sur ce qui nous entoure." Extrait de la jaquette du DVD , une production IFFCAM "Cernunnos", Delphine Persyn short film with my music , in competition at 20 th "Festival de l’oiseau et de la nature" du 10 au 18 avril 2010, en version française au théâtre d’Abbeville du 14 au 16 avril "Cernunnos", Delphine Persyn short film with my music in competition at Dompierre-sur-Besbre (03 Allier) 21 èmes Rencontres Cinema-Nature , Festival des films Nature et Environnement, 14 h 30, Samedi 27 mars 2010 "Cernunnos", Delphine Persyn short film with my music , in competition at 20th international festival of animal films at Albert town (Somme), in Théâtre du jeu de Paume, 20-28 mars 2010 We can see the film on Saturday 27th march 2010 , 14 h 30 Présentation des films en compétition Présentation festival en video 20ème festival International du Film Animalier, ville d’Albert (Somme)
My music with other composers ("Sillages Gemmes" and "Itinéraires Merveille" in the final part : "from 16’15" to 21’20" and from 23’56" to 24’40") in this textcavation Hypatia Pickens Machinima "The Lover’s Confession) won a Grand Jury Award at the Machinima Expo on November 23, 2014 Made for the Third Annual Congress of the John Gower Society at the University of Rochester New York , this trio of films from the Confessio Amantis won a Grand Jury Award at the Machinima Expo on November 23, 2014. It tells three tales from this fourteenth-century English literary masterpiece that warns the Lover against the vices that damage love, and natural and political rule. Definitely not suitable for work ; so viewer beware. ;) "The Tale of the Travelers and the Angel" ; "The Tale of Machaire and Canace" ; and "The Tale of Florent." "This 27 minute film was made for the Third International Congress of the John Gower Society held at the University of Rochester New York in early July, 2014, and is now one of ten jury-selected films at the 2014 annual Machinima Expo. Be warned : these stories are not romantic : they were written to advise a king of the vices to avoid in natural rule. All adapted film is a reduction of a literary text, but I hope to have shown that machinima is up to the task of representing the Middle Ages because it operates a bit like a manuscript page in its multi-media : text and illumination and the voice that reads (represented by the student and her book) along with music and moving image work together to bring a story into a new art form. I find the artistic environments in Second Life, many of them surreal, especially suited to the iconic and allegorical nature of so many medieval tales. This was a directorial debut for me : never before have I attended a live showing of any film of mine. I don’t know if I ever will again. "Florent" got all the laughs, because the first two are as grim as Moral Gower himself. I needed to end on one of his high notes, and that’s the story of the Loathly Lady. Contemporized." Hypatia Pickens
My tunes "Immersion vertige" and "Sillage window" in this short film "Symphonie urbaine de la ville de Quebec" by Michel Clauss. They were diffused during Festival international de cinema de la ville de Québec. My tune "Ambre verre" is present in this short film "La gare" by Michel Clauss. "Video contemplative d’une activité humaine passée" Michel Clauss.
Theatre : festival d'Avignon, Cabaret Vauban à Brest, Laurette théâtre à Paris avec Laurent Mascles compagnie IleLauma; short film "Die Küchenuhr" (2007) adapted from Wolfgang Borchert novel, directed by Adrian Copitzky, Felix Faisst and Frank Kayan; short film "Parenthèse" by Vincent Morvan (2008)(black § white film with my music) film ("Eliza" by Ling Hu, 2012);
Danse : Collaboration with Martina Filipova, Ninon Robin and Gwenola Joinneau for contemporary dance : "Glaz" at Mac Orlan theatre (Brest) during "Les Dits de danse" festival (2013 edition). Music composed around Angélique Ionatos song and trio Devojke song. [ | |] Zaquizami : Coreografia: Thaïs Martínez, Elizabeth Taberner Música: Claude Chalhoub “Gnossienne” (Álbum 'Claude Chalhoub') Julien Boulier “Present Eyes” (Álbum 'Impression') Max Ablitzer “Star Song” (Álbum 'Dark Violin') Iluminación: Carreguí / Ramón Jiménez Vestuario: Iñaki Cobos 16, 22, 23 decembre 2012 : Teatre principal Valencia : BALLETS RUSOS S.XXI CENTRO COREOGRÁFICO DE LA GENERALITAT BALLET DE LA GENERALITAT Generalitat Valenciana
11/01/2019 / Brest Culture -en partenariat avec Badseeds- : "Professeur de piano à Brest, Julien Boulier sort son premier album "A Film Not Yet Made" sur le label californien Time Released Sound. Neuf titres d’influence classique et cinématographique, parfois éthérés, et parfois dramatiques… Pour les fans de Nils Frahm, Ólafur Arnalds, Peter Broderick…"
09 03 2019 / Martin Delemazure, Directeur adjoint du Département Musique Gaumont de 2012 à 2018, A&R chez Silene / Buda Musique / Komos depuis sept. 2018 : "S' il vous reste un exemplaire de la (très) belle box/edition, je prends ! Félicitations pour votre travail."
Martin Delemazure on Discogs : Management for Cliff Martinez albums "Only God Forgives" (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) and "The Neon Demon" (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) Management for Armand Amar album "Un sac de billes" (Musique originale)
"A Film Not Yet Made" est référencé
Référencé "Piano" sur le site Sonofmarketing :
Référencé "Modern Classical" sur le site Sonofmarketing :
"Dreampop/Downtempo/Ambient" sur :,,
University of California, BERKELEY Kalx radio 90.7 FM : (KALX 90.7 FM San Francisco, CA / Free Internet Radio
album "A Film Not Yet Made" among Favorite Albums of 2018
Reviews :
/3/24/2019/ KFJC (89.7 FM) Los Altos Hills, California : Adventurous college radio from Foothill College since 1959.
HUMANA : Boulier, Julien – "a Film Not Yet Made" – [Time Released Sound] :
"This is simply beautiful music composed and played by Julien Boulier, who can make keyboards and electronic sounds that resemble harp, violins, and bells. This French musician has indeed composed music that would make an atmospheric soundtrack, and the delight comes from imagining your own film. You know how ending credits can pull at your heartstrings and take you through emotions that leave you feeling clean and, well, cried out? That is what I felt when listening to this."
Press :
CD Score : Nederlands
Norman Records : "French pianist and composer Julien Boulier offers a suite of trickling ivories laced with delicate strings and electronics for lovingly, dementedly DIY-packaged label Time Released Sound. A Film Not Yet Made indeed glistens with unmistakably cinematic meanings; tense, rise & fall short-range arpeggios, slow, deliberate and cautious movements, independent-but-harmonious strings communicating layers of shared emotion for dramatic effect - all that cinematic piano stuff is there. Good job, Julien!"
Norman Records : "Julien Boulier’s new album is a fittingly-titled piece of highly-cinematic romantic grandiose miniatures: captivating stuff. A Film Not Yet Made is available in regular CD and LP editions, as well as a box set version that Time Released Sound themselves describe as ‘over-the-top’... red vinyl in a vintage box, with vintage 1860’s magazine cuttings, vintage french architectural plans, dried lavender, and a handwritten score. Well."
James Catchpole Fluid Radio : "Instead of fitting into the glitzy era of vintage Hollywood and living it up en masse on LA’s sunset strip, A Film Not Yet Made has more of a European feel, descending upon the streets of Paris and using her boulevards and arrondissements as outdoor studios. French composer and pianist Julien Boulier films on location. No indulgent lifestyle. No Mulholland Drive. But musically, nothing is out of bounds.
Thoughts appear like emerging notes, slowly populating the reel and imprinting themselves upon the filmy surface of the music. The recently-unloaded cameras are ready to record, pregnant with rolls of black film which will soon occupy the silver screen of the mind. Thoughts flitter like pages of an unfinished script caught in an immediate, anxious breeze, but the music relaxes, taking in an extra shot of whiskey just before a tricky scene begins, calming the nerves of stage fright in the process. The music follows the actress as she walks through the side-streets, meandering casually around recently excavated corners and narrow streets. In this film, the actress is both director and star. Between the shoots, the music reclines, as if it were on a prolonged smoking break, but its ambling narrative picks up again afterwards, its scent of mystery let loose in the Parisian air.
The nine celluloid constructions bring a dream to life; a magical realism hopping from screenplay to reality. Framed in black-and-white, these cinematic, classical pieces are spattered with screen tearing and the oblique rain of old cinema’s white noise. The nine breathy, atmospheric, and incredibly spacious pieces are encased in frames of music, sealed in a vault, never to see the light of day (quite literally, as sunlight will tarnish the film), where seconds freeze and the smartly-dressed actors walk and talk in half-speed.
The notes live in a fairy-tale, but it’s just an illusion. They’re just actors, playing a role, filling a scene. Off camera, the music lives in the cold blue light of reality. A cold day in February.
Dripping strings and uneasy chord progressions bring the mystique of Hollywood scoring to the film. A thriller / romance inside the trickling strings, like something from the 1958 classic ‘Vertigo’, even though the music defies a specific date. It could feature a stunning actress from the 1930’s, or it could be from 2018. The date has been lost. Electronic blips recall the old chill-out style that ascended to commercial popularity at the turn of the millennium, its free-flowing arpeggios encased in a block of ice. The mysterious sounds slink around, wandering the backstreets like out-of-focus shadows.
Some people say that music can date, can age, but does it ever become stale? The classical music of the past seems ageless; to this day, it still has abundant life. A Film Not Yet Made is as fresh as a raindrop."
Hearfeel : "I’ve been intrigued by fragrances lately, dabbling in the world of smells. At first I was compelled by the notion of a “signature scent”, of having something identifiable as me, some collection of aromas that would resonate with my individual character and presence. It’s been an interesting and ongoing journey, and whilst I’ve yet to find “the one”, I’ve been surprised that on multiple occasions I’ve discovered the reverse: scents constructed to evoke a sense of place and not person.
These are not so much scent-memories as artistic fabrications of location, impressions and imaginings, approximations. One of my favourites, “Un Jardin Sur La Nil”, is a sweet, fruity, floral gift, a reflection of some cool Egyptian garden. It’s a fiction of course, an emulation leant to the wearer to transport them (and others) to the place of its design, rather than some exacting distillation of space.
Boulier’s A Film Not Yet Made is a film soundtrack without a film, yet like those perfumes it elicits a response all the same, whisking the listener away into a fantasy world of cinematic loveliness. This is no signature scent, not an OST prescribed to a deliberate set of visual constraints, and that lifting of boundaries makes it an intriguing listen. One begins to imagine scenes of our own for the music, or find life events to suit the tone of these suggestive music-smells.
The sweet delicacy of the piano in “Arcane Septime” sends me walking out in the streets of my home city on an Autumn afternoon for example. Its keystrokes dance and flutter like leaves on pavement, a faint wist in its tone as it prepares for Winter, a bite to the air. It’s quite at odds to precursory “Cordyline Deviant” whose violin strings and terse acoustic pluckings feel strained, like a fretful walk through the forest as sunset approaches: will I make it back to the car before dark? Who knows, there’s pace and soft threat as a result.
There’s dreamy filmic mystery to mid-album “Acanthe Envol”, opening to the roar of a fading plane engine, jetting us off to some foreign and strange land. It fills its time with sweet arpeggiations, harp-like pickings reverberating out into the unknown alongside the croonings of some strange synth, this invitation of alienation into its core. Or how about the enigmatic unwindings of “Accord Etendu”, whose softly rumbling bass lines supplement the tragic piano sparsity above, like being taken on a tour through some tired old medieval home, time bleeding out of the walls and decrepit furniture.
Boulier proffers us cinematic music without visual limitation, and the resulting freedom felt is an unexpected blessing."
"A Film Not Yet Made" registered "Modern Classical" on Discogs.
Label Time Released Sound à San Francisco (Alameda) art director Colin Herrick
Référencé "Piano" sur le site Sonofmarketing :
Référencé "Modern Classical" sur le site Sonofmarketing :
Norman Records "Nearlies Albums of the year 2018" :
Reviews :
17 juin 2019 : date anniversaire de la sortie de l'album "A Film Not Yet Made