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Everesting Swain's - The Ascent

Everesting Swain’s 'The Ascent', is a short film documenting Mat Ilic's attempt to Everest the notorious Swain's Lane in North London.

Put simply 'Everesting' is cycling up a hill or mountain until you have matched or exceeded 8,848 meters - The equivalent vertical elevation of Mount Everest. For Mat this was not only about a great personal, physical and mental challenge but also a perfect way to gain exposure and raise money for the charity organisation he works for - Only Connect.

Based in London, Only Connect is a creative criminal justice charity. It works in schools, in prisons and on the streets to deliver projects that build relationships, grow skills and cut crime. The focus of their work is innovation to prevent first-time offending and reduce re-offending. For more information or to donate, visit onlyconnect.london

Unfortunately for Mat the week before his planned attempt Stanislav Cmakal became the first person to successfully Everest Swain's Lane. This radically changed the challenge for Mat. The rules state that once a hill has been Everested it is no longer there to claim - he'd still go down in the 'Hells 500' hall of fame, but would always be second to the summit. For Mat it now became all about time - beating the previous record set 7 days earlier, of 16 hours and 31 minutes, was his new challenge.

  • Edward Harber
  • Micky McMahon
  • Robert McBride
  • Pablo Gonzalez
  • Charlotte Harber
    Director of Photography
  • Project Type:
    Documentary, Short
  • Runtime:
    7 minutes 58 seconds
  • Completion Date:
    September 10, 2015
  • Production Budget:
    250 GBP
  • Country of Origin:
    United Kingdom
  • Country of Filming:
    United Kingdom
  • Language:
  • Shooting Format:
  • Aspect Ratio:
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
Director - Edward Harber