FIRIYA-The Girl on the Run.. (working production file)
Firiya – The Girl on the Run…
Firiya is a typical story of thousands of teenage girls from the oppressed, poor Tharu ethnic communities in the Western plains of Nepal. In an effort to escape the vicious cycle, Firiya- a 17 years old girl- leaves her mother alone in the village and tries her luck in the Capital. As she ends up as an entertainer in the city Fun Park as the character of the " Papa smurf" (Cartoon), the hope of completing her studies comes to a dead end. Will she ever be able to find a foothold for herself? How long will she run, jumping from a job to another? It’s a journey of the formative years of her life.
jaman bistaDirector
jaman bistaWriter
jaman bista/GBN Films/Katha ProductionProducer
Laxmi Bardewa, Bholaraj Sapkota, Anju deuja, Bikram Pariyar.Key Cast
Project Type:Short
Runtime:12 minutes 30 seconds
Completion Date:February 17, 2016
Production Budget:0 USD
Country of Origin:Nepal
Country of Filming:Nepal
Shooting Format:DIGITAL
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:Yes