Vortex is the disaster movie everyone is waiting for. Vortex is like the bad superhero film where they tried to cram as many villains as they could except it's about disasters. All of them.
Olivier BonenfantDirectorSinusoid (2012), Shadowrun: Crossing Shadows (2008)
Olivier BonenfantWriterThe attraction of the masses (2010)
Kino SydneyProducer
Olivier BonenfantProducerCertified Organic (2012)
Luke MiddlebrookKey Cast54 Days (2014)
Emmanuelle LedgerKey Cast
Project Type:Short
Genres:Trailer, comedy, action, mock
Runtime:1 minute 37 seconds
Completion Date:July 6, 2015
Production Budget:1,000 AUD
Country of Origin:Australia
Country of Filming:Australia
Shooting Format:Digital DSL
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
Trailer Fest Film FestivalBloomington
United States
November 7, 2015
Selected -
Kino SydneySydney
December 8, 2014
Sneak preview -
Filmonik MelbourneMelbourne
September 21, 2015
Creative, spontaneous and energetic short films is what is driving Olivier Bonenfant since the beginning of this 12 year adventure in Directing for TV, VFX for feature films and the gaming industry and Motion Graphics for TV and advertising companies. Originally from Quebec, Olivier had the chance to shoot short films in Canada, the USA, France, Belgium, Russia, Sweden and Madagascar as part of the Kino Movement and is now momentary taking care of the Kino group in Melbourne, Australia.